It's killing me.

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It's been a week since we got Draco and Blaise back. Everyone was on the same page, everyone was alright with the fact that the two of them had the dark mark, well that is besides Draco. Don't get me wrong, Blaise tries to hide his mark too, but it's like Draco wants to cut his arm off just so he doesn't have to think about it.
When he feels like people can see it, he presses he fingers into the palm of his hand until it's about to bleed and get up and walked away. I tried to follow his and just sent me a look that said "No."

I wish I knew why it's affecting him more that it was Blaise. I asked Neville how Blaise is doing with the mark and he said " He acts like it's not there and so do I. It bothers him sometimes at night so let him know that I could care less about that mark." He sent me a wink then turned bright red. I laughed at this but I couldn't stop thinking about my Draco. Poor Draco. I love no matter what and I don't even notice the mark. It's only when he places his hand on the area that it's on and look like he's about to cry do I notice it.

I was sitting in my room, alone, in the dark glaring at the mark on my arm. I hate it. It shows that I'm one of them. No matter what I didn't, no matter what I said it never disappears. It's apart of me. It's a thing that will forever be between Harry and I. Good and evil. Night and day. It kills me.
I kicked the wall in front of me. " Damn it!" I hate this. I hate all of this. I turned towards that bathroom. 'No, I won't. Never again.' I thought, but my body betrayed me. The next thing I know, the sink is red and my arm is covered in cuts.

Once I got the bleeding to stop and the sink cleaned, I covered my arms and went down stairs to see Harry talking to Neville about something. Neville pointed to Blaise, turned bright red and wink. This cause Harry to laugh. I didn't want to interrupt them, so I went to the kitchen to see Molly there. She insisted that I called her that. " Hello dear." She said kindly. I will never know how she does it. I treated her youngest son and and her daughter like crap for years and then I start dating Harry and she loves me. My family hated them because the liked muggles and here she is smiling at me, treating me better than anyone in my family ever has, and feeding me like a Christmas turkey.

" Draco, dear? Are you alright?" She asked. " Yes ma'am. Sorry, I zoned out." I sent her a small smile and she smiled back. " Well, eat up. I'll put some meat on you by this time tomorrow." I looked down at the pile of eggs, toast, pancakes, and hashbrowns that where in front of me. ' This woman isn't kidding." I thought as I ate the warm food.
I felt something hit my arm, right where It is. " Morning Draco." It was Lupin. " Good morning sir." I said. " Please, call me moony, but only when it's the two of us, besides that call me Remus." I smiled. There is again. Everyone is forgetting my past and treating me like I've been here the whole time. Forgetting what I've done to them, Harry, everyone. It make me feel better and worse at the same time. I don't know how I'm going to deal with all these ups and downs and it kills me.

Is this love? ( Under editing)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt