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"Can you believe it worked?" Dean asked happily. I smiled. "No I can't."
We talked in the hall for while until Deans smile faded and he pointed. I turned to see Harry and Draco happy holding hands. Draco glared at me. Harry first showed that he was hurt then he too glared at me. I gaped at them until they walked around the corner, still holding hands.
A wave of guilt crached down on me and by Deans face, he felt it too. Suddenly I became angry "Damn it! Damn it! How the hell did it not work? I want my Harry, the real, staight, in his right mind, Malfoy hating Harry back! Not...not that fag!" I yelled. I heard a cough and turned to see the love of my life, Hermione, glare at me. She was obviously pissed. Dean ran down the hall before I could ask for help.
Hermione marched up to me and slapped me so hard it left a detailed mark on my face. "Bloody hell Hermione." I mumbled, rubbing my face. Her face was stone cold. "Ughh to think I love you!" She yelled. "That is still our Harry and you shouldn't be doing dumb things trying to change him! It's not his choice who he falls for, how hard he falls, and what their bloody gender is! Honestly Ronald, I want to hate you, but I can't! I want to make myself hate you for what you've done to Harry and Draco, but I can't because I Bloody fucking love you!" She yelled tears ran down her face.
Wait, she said that she loved me. I gently put my hand on her face causing her to look up at me. "Hermione, I love you too." I said it just over a whisper, but she heard me and her eyes lit up. 'Nows my chance.' I thought. I moved closer and kissed her. Just barely touching her lips. She chased them as I moved back. I crashed my lips against her's. We moved in sync.
She pulled away and said. "Ughh you're a bloody git." I heard a soft laugh in her words. "But I'm your bloody git."

~Draco ~
I walked with Harry to our class. I replayed what happend in the ROR. Our bodies together as one. It was perfect. I never knew I had it in me or that he had it in him. I guess I kind of have to thank Ron for that, but he still has to pay for causing my Harry so much pain. The question now is how?
We walked in and sat down in our normal spots in the back. All our friends acted like nothing was new, but the ones on Ron's side gasped and a Hufflepuff looked like she was going to cry.
I smirked and put my hand on Harry's thigh right near his crotch. Not on purpose of course. I started to rub small circles on his leg. It wasn't until he quickly grabbed my hand and held it in his and wrote something in a piece of parchment did I realize what I was doing.
Oh you git. Stop doing that or I'll have you right hear in front of every one and I'd like to keep you all to myself. So stop! I thought I handled you during lunch. ;-)
My mouth formed an 'O' and I mumbled "Sorry." In my head I thought ' It would be more interesting then how to turn a ruby into a butterfly. Who wants to do that?'
When class ended, Harry and I took the long way to Hagrid's. We walked hand in hand and just chatted about nothing. Suddenly it hit me on how to get back a Ron. Harry had said something about Ron being scared of spiders and 2nd year. Harry kept talking while I quietly put the pieces together.
---------------that night at dinner-------------------------
Dinner had rolled around and I was sitting with my friends at my table and Harry was with his. I had found a spider egg in a hallway and enchanted it to hatch right when Ron feel asleep.
I got up and walked over to Harry passing Ron as I did. I patted him on the back while placing the egg right behind his ear. He noticed nothing. Its a good thing he tends to ignore every little thing I did.
Harry saw me as I drew closer and moved over so I could sit. Hermione smiled at me. I smiled back.
"And Harry, I have something to tell you. Well all of you." Hermione said as I sat down. "Okay, what's up?" Harry asked. I was interested to see where this went.
She blushed and said "So after lunch, I heard Ron going on about how he wanted the old Harry back. Not the one that is the Harry we all know and love." She winked at me jokingly. Why did I ever hate her. She can be funny. " well, I yelled at him and slapped him pretty hard, but my temper let one thing slip." She paused. Harry, Genny, Fred, George,and I all leaned in as if to say 'go on.' She took a deep breath "That I loved him..." We all started at her with blank stares until Harry said "Well, did he say it back?" Her blush turned even redder. "Uh, yeah and we may have kind of, sort of made out..." I gasped. The red heads looked like fish and Harry smiled. "That's great Hermione. It's about time too. I was starting to think I needed to make a love potion just to see if you already liked each other or not. "
Now it was Hermione's turn to be shocked. "I'm sorry what?" He laughed "I've known you two had liked each other since 2nd year."
With that, we all chatted about 2nd and 3rd year. The rest of them had a good laugh about the time Hermione sucker punched me in the face, but I can still hear my nose crack just thinking about it.
In no time dinner was over and so I walked Harry to his towner and kissed him good night since we where the first to arrive and slapped his ass. I smirked. "Well someone's taking chances." He said. "Good night." "Good night." With that he was gone.
~ Harry~
I walked up to my room and got ready for bed. By the time I had finished all my homework, Ron was half asleep. Around 11:30 I heard a blood curdeling scream. It was Ron. There was about 2 or 3 spiders in his hair. I did the only thing I could think to do. I castes a charm and made the spiders disappear and end up someone outside.
Ron and I looked at each other "Eh. Uh thanks. Harry." It was the most sincere thanks I've gotten from him in a while. I'll take that as improvement. "You're welcome. Night Ron." "Uh. Night...Harry." With that I fell into a dreamless sleep.

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