When Friends lie

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Its been two weeks since Ron blew up about the fact I'm gay and he has managed to pin half the school against me. The other half is 100% there for me thought.
I was walking to my first class when I heard to people talk in a broom closet near by. It sounded like Draco and Blaise. "Mhmm. The things I could do to you." Draco's voice cooed. I heard a moan. "Oh Draco. You naughty boy."
I didn't hear the rest because I ran away. My heart was beating in my ears and I was to angry to cry. I'll handle that two timing bitch tonight.
I was waiting for the Polyjuice Potion to be finished. He and Dean were going to drink it so that he could get his friend back and cure him of his disorder.
"Are you done yet?" I said trying very hard not to snap. Dean nodded and handed me a cup with the potion and a single hair from Draco. He had the same, but it had Blaise's hair instead. I nodded. "Bottoms up." I swallowed all of it and instantly felt like I was dying. My skin felt like hit melting wax and my joints hurt.
----------------time change---------
Blaise (Dean) saw Harry coming down the hall so we ducked into a broom closet. "Show time" I mouthed as I hears Harry's foot steps grow closer.
I made a gagging face then said "Mhmm. The things I could do to you." I tried not to throw up then and there. Dean played along and moaned "Oh Draco you naughty boy." He had a disgusted look on his face.
I heard the sound of harry running away and looked out. I was right.
I high fived Dean and pulled out the reverse potions for both of us.
"Let's see how this playes out." Dean said as a kind of toast. "Let's." With that we drunk the potion and changed back.
I walked into my first class and I was Harry glaring at me. Just like he did back in 4th year. I sat beside him and he only moved all the way to the end of the table.
I was hurt and apparently my face showed it. Harry saw."Oh don't act like you have done a damn thing. Lunch, meet me in the Room of Requirement. We to talk " He said. There was hate and venom in each word.
I felt tears in my eyes, but I held them back. I nodded and I could see Ron and Dean laugh and point at us. I swear I saw one of them mouth 'It worked.'
I dreaded lunch and it took a 1000 years for it to come.
--------Lunch in RoR---------
I ran to the RoR and I saw the door appear. I ran in and saw a fire place, some nice couches, and two doors that led to different room. Also I saw a very pisses Harry.
I got closer slowly and he only glared at me. When he spoke it sounded sad and mad all at once. "Sit." I did as I was told and said "You needed to talk to me." My voice came out weak and innocent. This made Harry get visibly more anger.
I sat up and asked "What the hell are you talking about?" I willed a truth serum to show up. Harry say it and knew what it was. He handed it to me and told me to drink it. I did.
He took and breath and asked me a question almost to calmly. "Are you or have you ever cheated me?" I instantly said "No." I could see Harry's face twist into one of confusion. ''Then why did I heard you and Blaise fuck in the broom closet? " I shrugged. "I wasn't me. Maybe someone...... Ron." I said. I remember him laughing with Dean in class.
"Harry, Ron did this. It must have been Polyjuice potion." I gently held Harry's face and looked deep into his wonderful green eyes. I pulled him into a room that turned out to be a bed room.
I sat down and pulled Harry into my lap and I pecked his lips again and again until we didn't evern try to hold back. I rolled him on to the bed and kisses him more and more passionate with ever kiss.
(Smut warning.)
I slowly kissed down him neck and sucked and nibbled until I left a mark. I trailed back up and looked into his eyes to be sure I had his okay. His eyes now full if lust and love told me I could.
I removed his robe and he did the same with mine. I removed his tie with my teeth and mine with my hands. I unbuttoned his shirt slowly so that I could build up his need and it worked because I could have sworn I head him say 'hurry up and take me."
Onced I had finished getting him down to nothing but his boxers it was his turn.
He kissed me up and down my neck and took off my shirt in one motion. He kissed me on my stomach and left little marks along the way. I got out of my pants and climed on top on him. "Are you sure?" I whispered in his ear. I bit it and earned a moan. "I've never been more sure about anything in my life." I smiles at this and started to rub in between his legs and removed his boxers. He did even ask before he got mine off. Our dicks rubbed against each other and it sent a wave of pleasure threw me. I kissed my way down until I reached him. I looked and saw that he was a good 8 in. Damn. I kisses the tip and all around it. I was carful to kiss him anywhere else. He moaned "D.D.Draco. please." I smiles and said. "As you wish."
I took him in my mouth and sucked. I hummed and choked. Harry bucked to get deeped. When I felt the pre-cum I pulled away and started to use my hands. I moved up and down fast and when he yelled a warning I put in back in. With on last humm he let loss in my mouth. He screamed and held onto the bed. I swallowed everything.
I sat up and he kissed me . "Your turn." He said. He was amazing. He kissed, hummed, and choked. He ran his hands up and down me so fast and gentil. I couldn't handle it. "Harry. Now." He hummed harder and I came. I yelled his name and bucked deeper into him. Harry didn't miss a thing.
He crawled on top and me and ask "How was that?" All I could do was moan and say "We need to do that more often.
(Smut ends. I bet that was bad but what ever.)

~ Harry.~
After Draco and I woke up it was the end of lunch. Wow what timing. I woke him up and said that we need to clean up and get to class. He groaned and rolled off of bed. He walks the bathroom. I couldn't help but stare. He noticed. " Like what you see?" He winked and brushed his teeth and hair. I changed back into my robe while he did that. Once be finished we changed jobs and I brushed my teeth and hair. I used the mouth wash just in case there was any smell.
After we cleaned up we walked out hand in hand to DADA. We passes Ron and Dean talking and they nearly died. Ha showed them right. Never fuck with my heart.

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