So Why Are You Here?

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Take a deep breath... I mean it's not too bad. Give it a chance and this could be it even though I doubt it.

I sighed at my inner thoughts before giving my background story for the 74th time. Each time it gets better and a little more detailed.

"My dysfunctional parents decided to name me Serenity because they thought my birth would bring serenity to their already destructive relationship. My parents left me alone in a big empty house.

My brother, Kasen, at the age of 21 became the caretaker of a 13-year-old with panic disorder. Kasen tried his best to get me the best therapist and find calming methods for me however after a while Kasen decided to go to medical school and become a Clinical Psychologist. Due to the lengthy process of becoming a therapist, I still went through several different therapists and have yet to find my perfect one.

Kasen cannot be my therapist because it is 'unethical.' I am a 24-year-old black woman who has panic disorder and her brother, a Clinical Psychologist, cannot be her therapist; if that's not irony... I don't know what is..." I shared this with my 74th therapist.

He nodded and wrote down everything I said. I tapped my foot against his shagged carpet which was making me cringe. It was this weird brown color and the room smelled like mustard. I sighed thinking about how I would not be coming back to this man's office.

"Serenity, that's a suitable place to start. I am an unorthodox therapist. I like to go outside the box for my patients. What are your thoughts on weed?" He asked and ran his hand over his shabby beard.

When his timer went off, I sighed with relief because this man was going to my therapist's graveyard.

"Thank you, Dr. Emery. I will think about what we talked about today." I said and grabbed my purse.

I practically ran out of that office and got into my car. I pressed my forehead against the steering wheel. I was interrupted by a call from my lovely brother.

"Yes, Kasen," I spoke.

"Love and Peace sister, how was your 74th meeting." He said and I groaned.

"Love and Peace... I'll be looking for 75, very soon," I said and he sighed.

"Come on Serenity. He couldn't have been as bad as 73." He replied.

"His office smelled like mustard, his beard looked like it was going to bite me, and he was as high as a kite," I explained and pulled out of my parking space.

"You'll find your fit soon, Serenity." He expressed.

"Maybe when it comes to therapist soulmates, your mine." I hinted and he chuckled.

"There are plenty of amazing therapists like me out there. We just have to keep looking." He spoke.

"Fine. Are you coming home tonight or are you having a nasty little sleepover?" I teased and he chuckled.

"I'll be home with Chinese and I'll let you have a 30-minute off-the-books session." He informed me.

"Thank you so much, Kasen. I'll see you when I get home from the dance studio." I responded.

"Love and Peace." He ended.

"Love and Peace," I said and hung up the phone.


I drove to my dance studio from my unsuccessful therapy session. I started working as a server when I was 17 and I saved up for my dream dance studio. Kasen said he would take care of the rest of it when I graduated college successfully. I dragged myself through college and got my Business degree with a minor in Kinesiology. Kasen helped me pay for the rest of my studio and I created 5678 Studio.

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