What Can We Do?

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30 Days Later

How to Start a Charity

Write A Plan

Register a 501c3.


It's been a month since Dr. Reese, and I spoke about the Charity idea. I pretty much have done something every day to go towards starting this. Kasen has been a huge help since he gathered more psychiatrists, therapists, and counselors. Now we are thinking about how to fund the whole thing. Kasen and I are equally putting money behind it.

"What about some kind of fundraiser at the dance studio?" I said and slumped over my laptop. Kasen and Sierra were over at my house today brainstorming for this very topic.

"I love the idea of it however, I am not sure how psychiatrists, therapists, and counselors would feel about a dance studio event," Kasen said and shrugged.

"You are just saying that because you can't dance to save your life and or anybody else's life." I teased.

"You dance enough for the both of us." He mentioned and I rolled my eyes.

"What about a Charity Ball? I mean it can be food from Black-owned businesses, music, and a theme." I interjected.

"I think that would be great. It would give them a reason to get dressed up and write checks." Sierra said and wrote it down.

"We can fundraise off of rsvp, drinks, food, and gift bags," Kasen said with a sense of relief.

"Plus, the apparel we have been getting together," I said and Kasen smiled.

"When is this all happening?" Sierra said.

I sighed. "It can take anywhere between 2 to 12 months to get approval for the 501 c3 and we applied for that last month."

"How about we do it in November after your Birthday? That will give us something to look forward to and we have plenty of time to get ourselves together." Kasen said.

"Sounds great because during the end of the year people are more giving," Sierra said and poured more wine into my glass.

"Exactly!" I cheered.

"We can get the shirts made for people passing out goodie bags and food. We can reach out to black-owned businesses to include them as well." Kasen mentioned and typed away on his laptop.

"Great, I'll look into that and tell Trevor to get on his job with these shirts," I grumbled and Kasen rolled his eyes.

"Anyways, we need a theme." Sierra reminded us.

"Why don't we look into trying to do a Casino Night?" I asked.

"Also, the weekend before that we can have a pampering-themed event," I suggested.

"What about pampering?" Kasen asked.

"I mean we are a mental health charity, for those who aren't interested in gambling or drinking. The weekend before we can have massages, barber services, nail appointments, hair appointments, exclusive dance classes, and we can have talks in the barber shop and hair salons." I explained.

"Oh, I love that idea, because we are offering multiple opportunities for people to come out and an open forum for therapists and future patients to mingle," Kasen said.

"Plus, that means we can involve more black-owned businesses and service providers," I added.

"Fueling the black community and healing the black mind," Sierra said.

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