My Kinks

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When I wanted Kasen to be my therapist it was because he is my caretaker, my brother, my protection, and a therapist. Now that I am sitting in my meeting with Dr. Reese talking about kinks, it makes me eternally grateful that Kasen is not my therapist.

"Let's abandon the lists this week and talk more kinks." Dr. Reese said and I took in her appearance. She had a massive smile on her face, a bright yellow sundress, her hair was down, and she had a glow.

"May I ask why?" I asked.

"You just became Carter's girlfriend, and you went house hunting together. You tell me how you spend nights over there however you aren't intimate. Intimacy can be an anxious experience, especially if you have kinks that you worry your partner will reject." She explained and opened up her journal.

"Can you tell?" I asked.

"That you have kinks? Not necessarily." She said and smiled.

"I do have kinks and most of them are to keep my environment safe," I said a little nervous to get into the conversation.

"If it makes you more comfortable, we can talk about one of mine and then you go." Dr. Reese said and I nodded.

"I enjoy impact play. My husband spanks me, and uses paddles, and other items. Impact play has caused our communication to be very solid and gave him an insight on consent." Dr. Reese admitted very calmly.

"I enjoy roleplay and to take a more submissive role in the bedroom. I have always wanted to try wax play or bondage however Alex was always a little vanilla." I blurted out and I felt relieved after admitting it.

"How do you feel after saying it?" She asked.

"Free. I mean I talk to my friends about intimacy and sex however come on. It's hard for Black Women to be open about their sexuality and we carry the burden of being sexualized at such a young age. Innocence is something that is constantly robbed from us."

"Do you feel safe talking to Carter about those things?" She asked.

"I think eventually I will, how do I even start the conversation?" I questioned.

"Talk to a group of your close friends and see how they feel about those conversations." She said and I nodded.

"Even in your relationship there is a constant inner growth that needs to happen so you never feel like you will always be this person. Changes is a constant thing and embracing the idea of that limits fears. Explore every part of yourself." Dr. Reese said

"Thank you." I said and the timer went off earlier than expected.

"I apologize for the short meeting however today's my anniversary." She said and I smiled.

"Happy Anniversary, enjoy your kinky night." I said and walked out the door.


I walked into the dance studio and Sierra was on the phone. I waved at her and she immediately hung up.

"Serenity! I miss you so much." She squealed.

I rolled my eyes. "We talk almost every day and you better not have hung up on a customer."

"Oh, I was on the phone with Kasen. Anyways let's go out tonight for drinks?" She asked.

"Sure, you're paying since you missed me so much." I said and walked to my office.

"Oh, your boyfriend is on line 2." She mentioned and I rolled my eyes.

"Sierra, you suck at being a secretary sometimes." I yelled out of my office.

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