Sorry, We Do Not Take That Insurance.

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I was currently standing in a new therapist's office being told that they do not accept my insurance. This therapist would have been my ideal match. A woman who was half-black and half-white had four-star ratings amongst women and minorities, and Kasen has sent patients to her before.

However, her receptionist, Racheal, was now calling my insurance company who was repeating to Racheal that my insurance would not cover more than today's session.

Did you know that many minorities, especially black people do not get the proper care they deserve with mental or physical health because they are unable to get the proper health insurance, and many cannot afford it? Health insurance being connected with employment is not always helpful because many need every dime that they work for to live and eat.

My parents before they left and right after they found out I had panic disorder were constantly taking me to psychiatrist and therapist to try to see if I really had panic disorder in the first place. It was as if they were in denial about the whole thing and maybe they were.

When Kasen took over my care and before went into health care many of my therapy sessions were paid out of pocket and when I was 17, I tried online therapy.

This choice is less invasive and easier to access and cost less than in-office therapy. However, after 3 months, Kasen realized that it would not be the best fit for me because I need the physical engagement with the therapist.

Plus, the beauty of body language is something that I learned pretty quickly.

"Ma'am." Racheal said and I realized I was staring off into space.

"My apologies. Thank you for your help Racheal. I'll just have to give my brother a call." I acknowledge.

"No need to apologize. Really all these health insurance policies are confusing. Since Dr. Roseman has been updating her clientele, even old clients have been struggling with what our office accepts and does not." She admitted and I nodded.


I gathered my things and trudged out of the office. I got into my car and drove to Kasen's office.

I parked my car right next to his and walked inside.

"Is he available?" I asked Trevor, his receptionist/assistant.

"Serenity... what an absolute pleasure. Yes, the boss is free." He said and winked at me.

"Don't make me snitch," I said and he rolled his eyes.

Trevor is one of Kasen's best friends, three years younger than Kasen, and he works for Kasen part-time while he figures out what he wants to do in the medical field. He either wants to go into family practice therapy or go to medical school to be a psychiatrist, however, in the meantime he helped Kasen start his own practice.

If you ask me Trevor is just stalling and likes working with his best friend with little to no pressure which is fine when he is not trying to flirt with me.

"Peace..." I said and Kasen looked up at me confused.

"Why are you here? You should have had at least an hour session with Roseman." He said and I sat on his couch.

"Dr. Roseman has changed which kind of insurance she takes," I said and Kasen sighed.

"I wish all of this could be easier." He said and I looked at him.

Kasen at the age of 32, looked so much like our dad. He has jet black hair that was cut into a fade, smooth dark skin, long eyelashes which seemed unfair for him to have, and brown eyes. I looked more like our mother, a brown skin with 4C hair which was a long pain in my ass (I adore it though), and mahogany brown eyes.

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