Couples Therapy

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After the Charity events, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's; I pretty much was exhausted from life.

Carter is a Pediatric Fellow and I have been thinking about opening a dance studio in New York or Los Angeles. Kasen and Sierra are engaged. A Piece of Serenity has been going pretty great.

How to Start a Charity

1. Start by developing your vision and mission.

2. Naming the Charity

3. Write a plan.

4. Register as a 501 c3

5. Start a Website.

6. Fundraising

7. Establish an Advisory Board

8. Get Rolling.

Kasen and I established the Advisory Board about a month after the fundraising events and they have taken a lot of the load off of us. The Board is made up of Dr. Highland, Toronto Wilson, Carter, Dr. Reese, Dr. Johnson, and Sierra.

Toronto joined the advisory board to represent the black youth and she has been advocating for the importance for black youth to start caring about their mental health now.

Carter represents the hospital who is a major donor to the charity.

Dr. Highland is a psychiatrist, so she is able to offer patients medication and help patients manage their medications. She offers that information to the charity and is a donor.

Dr. Johnson is a traveling therapist, so he pretty much advocates and informs us about therapy in different states and countries. While constantly adding black therapists to the directory every month.

Kasen proposed to Sierra on New Year's and it was so hard for me to keep it a secret because she kept poking around in everything. I am really happy for them because finally. Kasen and Sierra have been together forever, and Kasen isn't getting any younger. Fingers crossed that Sierra gets pregnant during the honeymoon.

Dr. Reese is about 7 months pregnant and we have still been seeing each other. I am glad for all of my problems didn't disappear and I still had a ton of inner work to do. I, unfortunately, had a panic attack the week after New Year's. I got so stressed about deadlines and me probably having to move to New York or Los Angeles. I panicked. Carter called Kasen and we got through it however it was one of my most intense panic attacks. Carter felt so bad for freezing up and I kept telling him that he did everything he could and that he would get better at caring for me over time.

Kasen was the exact same way when I had my first panic attack with him. Carter felt better knowing this bit of information however he still wanted more guidance on the whole situation.

Carter has been doing a lot of research on how to deal with a partner who has panic disorder and he decided to start going to his own individual therapy last month. Carter and I talked about couples therapy just so we can build a bond and keep working on our relationship.

Carter had been seeing Dr. Carson Michaels from the Dripped Event. Dr. Carson is a Clinical Psychologist like Kasen. Carter and Dr. Carson connected after they spoke at the event. Dr. Carson gave him his card and I encouraged Carter to give him a call.

Carter and I were on the way to Dr. Reese's office for our very first session.

"Are you okay babe?" He asked and rubbed my thigh.

"Yes, I just am tired," I answered him.

He looked over at me "We are going to get you some rest after the session. You have been working hard babe."

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