This Couch is Uncomfortable

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Dr. Johnson was my temporary therapist, who I tend to go to whenever he is in town, and I am in between therapists. He was my constant therapist when I was 14 years old and Kasen was pretty much struggling to pay for therapy, household items, and school supplies. Dr. Johnson offered to help Kasen as a mentor and became my therapist.

He became my temporary therapist when I turned 16 years old, and he had an offer he could not refuse. because he is a traveling therapist. I was sitting in his makeshift office on this god-awful couch.

"I apologize for the state of my office. I am only here for the next two weeks." He said and I sighed.

"It would be my luck that the therapist I am most compatible with travels and is only in town every so often," I stated.

"What's the latest update?" He asked diving right in

"Alex hinted at being ready for a relationship..." I shared.

"Isn't that what you want?" He asked.

"A year ago, maybe however I am tired of breaking up with Alex in that way. Alex has been a consistent person in my life and the status of our relationship or lack of gives me hives thinking about it." I admitted.

"You need commitment. Kasen has been a committed caretaker since your parents left. The up and down you get from Alex is just like the up and down in your parents' relationship. Your focus is your mental health and these past years when I do see you, I see a constant elevation. You should go home and think about the kind of family life you want because you don't want to have spent your whole life looking for a therapist..." He replied.

"So, you're saying I should focus on the kind of life I want to have outside of therapy." I shared my understanding.

"Yes, I constantly share with you that you are so much more than your panic disorder and anxiety. Just like when I leave this office, I am not just a therapist. Not everyone is bound to disappoint you or even leave you." He expressed.

I squirmed on his couch thinking about what he said.

"Your couch is horrible." I blurted out.

"I know it's from my very first office." He said and we sat in silence for a moment.

"I am scared," I said and rubbed my palms together nervously.

"It's normal however every day you conquer the impossible. Just write down what you want, in a life partner, improvements in the studio, children, or even in a therapist. No harm in that." He encouraged.

and I nodded.

"Fine." I agreed and his timer went off.

"I'll see you next week." He said and I got up.

"Yes. Thank you." I said and shook his hand.

"Anytime and give Kasen my love." He mentioned.

I walked out of his office feeling like I had more work to do than when I walked in there.


I drove to the studio because I had to supervise the shoot that they were having there today. I was already 10 minutes late. When I pulled up, I ran inside.

"Why are you late?" Sierra said and I glared at her.

"Shut up. Did they notice?" I asked and she nodded.

"Damn. I had a therapy session, and it ran longer than I thought." I said and walked into the room to meet the director.

"Excuse my delay. I am Serenity the owner." I said and he shook my hand.

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