Matchmaking ...For Therapists

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Kasen occasionally is a genius who produces great ideas and other times he is my annoying big brother who drags me to a place I rather not be... This is one of those times where he's dragged me to something against my will.

"Will you stop pouting?" Kasen said and I groaned.

"You are taking me to a medical conference to find a therapist like some bootleg matchmaking service..." I said and he laughed.

"This is a genius idea. This conference will be full of doctors, psychologists, psychiatrists, and more. You can have a casual conversation and find your therapist." He explained.

"You are dragging me because Sierra wouldn't come to the conference with you for an agonizing three days of her life and I don't blame her," I complained.

"You could have said no. Part of you knows this is a great idea." He bragged.

"Or I am desperate," I whispered.

He laughed and turned up the music while I dozed off thinking about this adventure ahead of us.


New York City, is a place that is always so busy that it could cause one to go into a panic. New York City has always been a place I wanted to go even with knowing that. Due to Kasen, I am now standing here; not to see Broadway or to open a new studio but to find a therapist. Dr. Johnson was right because these were not the ideal circumstances for me.

I had my hair in a slicked-back ponytail, and I wore a yellow dress and gold slippers. I looked too good to be at a medical conference with my brother. Yet here I am standing amongst some of the greatest doctors on the east coast.

"Kasen. Does this thing have a bar?" I groaned and he smiled.

"To your left and don't get drunk." He said and I left him to go be with his fellow doctors.

"Can I have a margarita ?" I asked, he nodded, and went to make my drink.

I looked down at my phone to read emails until a deep voice interrupted my scrolling.

"Are you a doctor, psychologist, psychiatrist, or surgeon?" He asked and I looked up to see one of the most handsome men I have seen in a long time.

He wore glasses with medium-length black hair that looked soft and bouncy curls that were in a neat bun, smooth light brown skin, a dazzling smile like he knew he had me as soon as he peered into my eyes, which he did...

I was sure I was drooling. His brown eyes were so intoxicating, and his smile was breathtaking, they were so white I swore I saw them sparkle (I am also dramatic so maybe not).

"Hey, you okay?" He asked and I came back to reality.

"Oh, excuse me. I had a pretty long drive here, so I am a little sluggish." I said as an excuse, and he smiled.

"I am Carter, the pediatric resident." He said and extended his hand for me to shake.

"My name is Serenity. I am not a doctor or anything. My brother is a psychologist and has dragged me here to find my 'dream therapist' for my panic disorder." I told.

"If you need a therapist I know one in the DMV area if that's where you live. Dr. Reese is amazing; she is a black woman who is top-ranked in her field and offers free services to minorities who lack the resources to get mental care." He mentioned and gave me her card.

"Wow thank you so much, that's perfect because I live in the DMV area. I'll definitely give her a call." I said and took a sip of the drink the bartender brought back.

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