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Salvatore Boarding School

It was morning. The students have gathered in the grand hall for an assembly where Alaric, standing at the podium at the front of the room, addresses them while Emma stands to his right. "Given recent events, some students have expressed concern that I am not allowing you to have a say in the decisions that affect your future." Alaric said. Alaric looks at Josie and Lizzie, who are sitting in the front row as usual, and who smile shyly at him. "And I agree. If you are expected to abide by this school's policies, it's only fair that you have a voice in how those rules are made." Alaric said. Lizzie holds her hand palm-up toward Josie, who gives her a low-five before the two return their attention to their father's speech with a smile.

"So, I am forming an honor council. One vampire, one witch, and one werewolf...each elected by their peers, along with Emma, whose vote will represent the younger students." Alaric said. MG, sitting in one of the front rows, excitedly turns to look back at his fellow vampires, only to hear them whispering about him amongst themselves. "MG is such a narc." A student whispered. MG's smile falls and he looks at them forlornly before turning to face the front again. "Now, I have to go off-campus. In the meantime, I expect you to make good decisions and to vote wisely. That's all. You're dismissed." Alaric said. With that, Alaric turns and grabs a duffel bag sitting on a nearby chair before heading out to the front of the school.

Alaric is walking toward his SUV. Just then, Rafael appears behind him and jogs to catch up with him. "Dr. Saltzman?" Rafael called out. Alaric initially ignores Rafael's summons, but the young werewolf continues to rush toward him so they can talk. "Dr. Saltzman! Dr. Saltzman!" Rafael called out. Alaric finally turns to face Rafael, with an impatient look on his face, which does not escape Rafael's notice. The young werewolf quickly gets to the point of their conversation. "Um, is there a decision coming about if Landon can stay here?" Rafael asked.

Alaric starts walking toward his SUV again while Rafael jogs behind him. "We are running tests on him to figure out once and for all if he's supernatural." Alaric said. "What if the results aren't clear?" Rafael asked. "Then I'll have a decision to make." Alaric said. Then Rafael stops jogging and makes his pitch. "Well, can the honor council decide?" Rafael asked. Alaric stops walking and turns to face Rafael, who seems to be nervous about this request, though he stands his ground.

"Isn't that the point? You know, that we have, like, a say in stuff like this?" Rafael asked. Alaric considers this request for a brief moment before nodding his head in agreement. "If it comes to that, and we determine he's not a danger.then yes." Alaric said. This answer clearly pleases Rafael, who smiles and bounces on the balls of his feet happily. "Thanks! You're not gonna regret this." Rafael said. Alaric, eager to get to Dorian's cabin to help him question their newest creature, continues walking toward the car, only for MG to appear in front of him with a bright expression on his face.

"Dr. Saltzman! Hey! Hi! Um, do you have a minute to talk about Kaleb?" MG asked. "I'm late, MG." Alaric said. "It's really important..." MG said. Alaric finally stops walking and sighs, giving MG an urgent look. "Thirty seconds." Alaric said. MG looks both relieved, anxious, and hyper all at once. "Okay, thank you. 'Cause when I told Lizzie about how Kaleb was feeding on the girls at the high school, I didn't think that my big mouth would get him sent to vampire-prison." MG said. "Your "big mouth" had nothing to do with it. Kaleb's locked up because he needs to dry out. When young vampires feed on humans, they become a threat not only to innocent people, but themselves." Alaric said.

Alaric smirks smugly and pats MG on the shoulder before walking past him toward his SUV, and MG pauses to process this response. "That's cool.." MG said. Not wanting to squander his opportunity to get himself out of trouble with his peers, MG rushes to catch up with Alaric as he heads toward his vehicle. "But, um, I was wondering...Maybe you could show him some leniency so that the-the vamps won't be so pissed at me?" MG asked. Alaric smirks at MG again. "Trust me, the punishment fits the crime." Alaric said.

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