We're Gonna Need A Spotlight

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Salvatore Boarding School

Late at night, Dorian, Alaric, Hope and Aaron are
awoken by the monster alarm, created by a boundary spell. "Sounds like the trap worked." Hope said. With that, they grab weapons and go outside to check it out. "I know this is important, but you couldn't have put pants on first?" Hope asked. "Little early for snark, Hope." Alaric said. "But seriously. You could have put them on." Aaron said. "Please. It's too early for snark from you too." Alaric said. "Any guesses on what famous monster from filmland we get to slay today?" Dorian asked. Alaric scoffed. "With our luck, it'll be Cthulhu." Alaric said. Just then, they find that the intruder is a horse that accidentally triggered the alarm.

"False alarm. It's just a horse." Dorian said. "Must've gotten out of the stables and wandered across the barrier spell." Alaric said. "Except we don't have a white horse." Aaron said. The horse turns around and it turned out to be a unicorn. The unicorn starts coming towards them... Dorian and Alaric are all ready to shoot the unicorn, but Hope and Aaron stop them. "Hey, wait, wait. Hold your fire." Hope said. "Freeze." Aaron said. "It's a monster, guys. It's here to take the artifact." Dorian said. "You're not seriously suggesting we kill a unicorn?" Aaron asked.

"I'm suggesting we don't give it a pass because it's
cute." Dorian said. "Can't we just. leave it alone? It's trapped, it's not going anywhere. It's harmless." Hope said. "Hope's right. As long as we keep it alive, other creatures won't be coming for the urn So we just stay alert and let it be." Alaric said. "All right, well, I'll be on alert back in bed." Dorian said before he left. "Let's hope that saving unicorn doesn't come back to bite us in the ass." Aaron said. Hope grabbed his hand and pulled him back to the school. But unbeknownst to them, a small, slug-like creature crawls from the unicorn's ear and onto Hope's shoe.


In the morning in Hope's room, the slug creature crawls into Hope whilst she is sleeping. A few seconds later, Hope wakes up with a smile spread across her face.


Hope meets up with Aaron, Landon and Rafael, feeling very chipper. "Morning, handsome." Hope said happily as she sits next to Aaron. "Hey." Aaron said. "Handsomes." Hope said as she glances at Landon and Rafael. She then saw the croissants. She took one and started eating it. "Mmm. Sweet, sweet carbs." Hope said. "Somebody's in a really good mood." Rafael said. "Hmm. Just woke up on the right side of the bed, I guess." Hope said. "Those are very rare. It must be a good day today." Aaron said. Hope giggled. "You're so funny. I love that about you." Hope said. Aaron smiled at her and Hope kissed his cheek, passing another slug onto Aaron. A few seconds later, Aaron held a smile on his face.

"Suddenly Aaron's all cheery now?" Landon asked. "What? It's a good day, Landon. I've got the most amazing girlfriend, my friend is fitting in here and Rafael has his brother back. I'd say that calls for a good day." Aaron said cheerfully. "I completely agree." Hope said. Lizzie and Josie then wakes up to the group. "Good morning, Rafael." Lizzie said. "Hi. Uh, how was your-your trip?" Rafael asked. "Excellent. Thank you. And welcome back, Landon." Josie said. "Didn't you vote me out?" Landon asked. "That's all in the past. Now, is everyone as excited as I am about tonight?" Lizzie asked. "What's happening tonight?" Landon asked.

Hope laughs softly. "The school's annual talent show. All the factions compete." Hope said. She turned to the twins. "You know, the witch performance wouldn't be the same without you two." Hope said. "I couldn't agree more." Aaron said. "Thank you." Josie said. Aaron grinned at her and Hope chuckled softly. Just then, a bell chime rings as Alaric's voice comes on the intercom. "If I could have your attention. Last night we were able to capture a monster here on the grounds. We have everything under control. But given this potential danger, it is with a heavy heart that I must postpone the talent show." Alaric's voice said.

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