This Year Will Be Different

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Salvatore Boarding School

Josie was walking back from the bathroom and walked into her and Lizzie's room to see Lizzie doing yoga. "Uh, what are you doing?" Josie asked. "Warrior Pose." Lizzie said. "I thought you said Yoga was karate for lazy people?" Josie asked. "I did." Lizzie said. Josie looked at her confused. "But spending the summer with mom opened my eyes to all kinds of new experiences. Plus since he's a mess and I'm thinking using that a ascendant thingy I'd off the table, we agreed we'd stop worrying about all that future merge crap. Right?" Lizzie said. Josie nodded. "Right." Josie said.

Lizzie took a drink from her water bottle. "So I'm all about the present. I have decided to be permanently open to any opportunity that comes my way. This is my semester of yes. And I am available for literally anything." Lizzie said. Little did she know, Kaleb was walking by her room and heard Lizzie say this. Meanwhile, a man with a cane was walking down the hallways of the school. He was dressed very fancy. He walked into the Headmaster's office and wiped one of the shelves. He looked at the dust on his handkerchief and looked at it disappointed. Dorian was stood near him. "Well. This just simply won't do." The man said.

Dorian didn't say anything. Just kept his cool. "The Phantom Agraphia deport." The man said. His ring flowed red and the interior is the office changed within seconds. The man looked around pleased with his new surroundings and smiled. "Much better." The man said. He looked at Dorian. "Simple illusion spell but appearances can be important. Don't you think, Mr. Williams?" The man said. "The faculty are waiting to meet you, Professor Vardemus." Dorian said. Professor Vardemus chuckled. "Please, call me headmaster." Professor Vardemus said, sitting down at the desk. Dorian just smiled.

Elsewhere in the school, Landon and Aaron were walking down the stairs. Once they reached the bottom, there was a group of people stood in the way. Landon sighed as the group looked at them. "Excuse me." Landon said. Aaron sighed and looked away when he saw Jed approach them. "Hey." Jed said. He then looked back at the group of people. "Show a little respect. Jed said. He placed his hands on Landon and Aaron's shoulders. "These are the guys that killed Malivore." Jed said. The group looked at them before moving out of the way. Landon and Aaron shared a look before walking through the now unblocked hallway.

A witch student used her magic to hang a sign above the fireplace. Landon and Aaron walked into the foyer when a student approached them. "Hey, Landon, Aaron." The student said. The two looked at the student and saw they were holding a book out. "Can I get your autographs?" The student asked. "Uh, sure." Landon said. Landon signed a page to at had a drawing of a Phoenix. The student then flipped the page which held a picture of a Grim Reaper on it. Aaron sighed before grabbing the pen and signing the page. He then put the cap on the pen and gave it to the student. "Thanks." The student said, closing the book and walking away.

Aaron saw a witch looking at him. She smirked before using her magic to write 'hey' in the air before walking away. Aaron sighed before he saw Josie at the end of the hallway. The two made eye contact before smiling at each other. "I'll see you in class." Landon said. Aaron nodded. "Yeah. Sure." Aaron said. Landon left and Aaron saw Josie walking towards him. "Hi." Aaron said. Josie smiled brightly. "Hey." She said. Josie looked around. "So, you're popular now?" Josie asked. Aaron smiled and shook his head. "Of course. Why wouldn't I be?" Aaron said. "Uh, to popular to still take me to dinner tonight?" Josie asked. "Of course not. Gotta get the first date out of the way." Aaron said.

Josie's smile faltered a little. "Sorry. That was a joke. I'm bad at them. Yes, I'm excited." Aaron said. Josie sighed in relief. "Oh, me too." Josie said. Aaron nodded. She then started rummaging through her bag. "Do you know where your classes are?" Josie asked, pulling her schedule out. Aaron sighed. "Not really. Everything's changed and I'm confused." Aaron said, pulling his own schedule out. "Do you need help?" Josie asked. Aaron sighed in relief. "Yes. Please." Aaron said. Josie smiled at him. "Okay. Let's go." Josie said. Josie quickly showed Aaron where everything was since it's all moved around. "Thank you for this." Aaron said. Jose smiled. "No problem." Josie said.

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