Chapter 8

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As soon as I heard the last word, I pushed my gas peddle as hard as I could and sprinted out of the alleyway.

Our finish line as Haregon Train Station. I definitely gotta make it!

As I was driving at about 230 miles per hour, through traffic it got rough.

Gray kept cutting me off and drifting me to the other side, it was really frustrating to be honest.

"Damn, that bastard! Keeps getting in my way!" I said while switching gears.

"Don't worry, you got this Luce" Natsu finally said.

I nodded in return and briefly trying to catch up to Gray, the cops came; but no sweat I can handle them!

Natsu had looked out the window for conformation that the cops were on us, I felt like he was about to say something, but he didn't.

I soon caught up to Gray, we were side to side burning rubber, sounded horrible.

"Ha! You can't be me blonde!" Gray spat out.

"Well, we'll just have to see about that!" I said.

I could hear Gray, trying to push his peddles as hard as he could but it wouldn't help, my car was a few inches front of him, and we kept going back and forth like that.

All I could hear was sirens and engines.

"Pull over!" I heard policemen say

"Not today!" I say to myself.

It was time to get rid of these stupid cops. So I decided to do an E turn toward a building, so I would confuse that cops into thinking that I was gonna drive into it. Luckily it worked, they're so dumb.

Now with the police out of my way, I can focus on beating Gray!... The thing is he's too far away! I'll never be able to catch him!

Natsu saw me grip the steering wheel in anger.

"Luce. It's ok...." He said pointing to the red button.

"You got this"

The train station was heading close, I could almost see the finish line, luckily I caught up to Gray saying my final words...

" lose!"

I quickly pressed the red button on my steering wheel as hard as I could going farther and father in front of Gray....

The finish line, it was there....


A/N : Find out who wins the race in the next chapter! Sorry!~ I left y'all at a cliffhanger there didn't I? Well I'm sorry that this was really short I had a lot of homework and I was realz tired! >~< but! I will see you guys in the next chapter! Matsuba Signing out! B

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