Chapter 19

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I woke up to Natsu's beautiful face as he slept silently. I started to stretch my way up as my body rose. For some reason, I felt like I was forgetting something.

"Ne, Natsu...." I shook Natsu gently as I heard a loud grunt like moan com from him. "Oh, Hey Luce..." Natsu yawned. "You okay?" He sat up. "Yeah, but I think I'm forgetting something..." I face palmed myself.


"School!" I shouted. "I can't believe we have to go through this again!" I quickly jumped out of bed. But I hat I didn't realized, was the time. I stopped my tracks instantly as I saw that it was only 7:00, so we were pretty early to wake up.

"Thank god!" I fell back onto the bed. "I don't feel like going to school..." My face mushed into the bed. "Well, we don't have to." Natsu said. "Oh, right..." I sat next to him and instantly fell my head onto his lap. I turned my head upward to I could see Natsu's face, when all of a sudden he leaned down and kissed me.

"Thanks, I needed that" I put my hand on his cheek. "Wanna go out and eat?" Natsu poked my nose. "Heheh...sure" I laughed.

Soon after, Natsu and I put on our clothes and headed out the door. As we walked to the coffee shop, Natsu intertwined his hand with mine as I saw some of my enemies from school. One of them was Lissanna.

"Yeah, and then--" I heard Lissanna. All of a sudden their heads turned our way, but I didn't look back at them. "Is that Lucy? And Natsu?! Together?!" One of the girls evilly glared at me. I still didn't look back.

Just the jealousy of their voices made me more superior than them, ahh...the glory of destroying you enemies heart.

"No, way...This can't be happening" the other girl dropped her jaw. Soon enough the started following us like stalkers. As we went into the coffee shop.

Natsu and I sat down at the table across from each other. Then the waitress walked up to us. "May I take your order?" She took out a notepad. "Ah, yes just 2 coffee's please" Natsu held up two fingers. "Okay! Your order will be coming right up" The waitress walked away.

Later, the waitress came back with the coffee's. "Here you go" she gently placed them down in front of us. "Thank you" Natsu spoke.

Our coffee was served, and Lissanna's click was just still stalking us. " I thought you said that Natsu was just Lucy's bootycall Lissanna!" The girl whisper-shouted. "I thought so too..." Lissanna rolled her eyes. "Shh!...their talking!" Th other girl stuck her ear out.

"Haha! Natsu! That's so funny! Haha!" I laughed. Me and Natsu were just talking and laughing, because what else were we suppose to do? "Yeah!" Natsu smiled. "Oh, it's going on sunset! C'mon Luce!" Natsu motioned me to come with him as he put down the money for the waitress to pick up later.

We walked out of the store hand in hand again, as Lissanna's click walked out too.

"Natsu! Look, the sunset is so pretty!" I pointed towards the sky and my eyes glistened up. "Not as pretty as you..." Natsu kissed me directly in the lips. "N-Natsu..." I blushed.

"No! They are a couple!" Lissanna cursed at herself. "I thought Natsu was gonna me mine!" She facepalmed herself. "Now, what are we gonna do about this baby of ours?" Natsu gripped my hand a little tighter. "B-Baby?!" All of the girls said simultaneously.

Natsu and I soon kept walking home as the voices of Lissanna's click faded away, and the cold hard truth struck them. Victory was mine!

Afterwards, Natsu and I went back home, then my phone rang. Masayume chasing! Chasing koweta motto! jibu-- my ringtone went off.

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