Chapter 10

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Not this guy, he seems so annoying...I don't wanna be around him.

Gray had walked up to my car with his hands in his pockets and sunglasses on trying to look cool.

"Hey beautiful" Gray started. "Where's your boyfriend? Did he dump you?" Gray observed me.

I could feel his eyes just roaming around my body...Gross.

"No...Leave me alone" I turned the other way. I didn't want to talk to that bastard, I hate him.

"You don't gotta be like that babe..." Gray leaned on the car.

I finally opened the door and got out of the car, not wanting to be near Gray.

As I walked I saw Natsu come out of the bathroom, when a shadow figure hovered over me and I instantly knew who it was... Gray and I were face to face inches from each other. I could see Natsu looking at me and him.

"Get away from me you asshole!" I slapped Gray across the face, but he didn't care. He grabbed ahold of my wrist and pushed me against the car, He was stronger than me and I couldn't get him to let go, the grip was too tight.

"!" I hollered.

"Luce!" Natsu ran towards me as he was balling up his fist. In an instant I felt Gray was going to do something to me...I had flinched, but the grip I had on my wrist went away. When I had flinched I closed my eyes, but after I felt the grip loosen I opened them up to see an image of Natsu punching Gray in he face.

Gray had landed on the ground with a loud 'thud' that made people's heads turn our direction.

"Don't ever touch my Luce, again." Natsu had a cold look in his eyes when he said that, and I was still mesmerized by the thing that had just happened now.

"C'mon Luce, we're going home." Natsu turned. I didn't bother saying anything, I just nodded in reply. I felt like Natsu needed to cool down for a moment after what just happened.

Me and Natsu got in the car, and honestly at what happened tonight...I'm tired. I rode in the passenger side next to Natsu, and I could just feel myself dozing off.

My head had reached Natsu's shoulder as he was driving. He smiled at me and continued his eyes back onto the road.

Natsu was warm.

I could feel all of his heat warming me up.

I loved Natsu.

And here was no denying it.

"N-Natsu..." I whispered in my sleep. Assuringly, Natsu found it cute that I was dreaming about him, or that I just called his name in my sleep. Otherwise it made him feel happy.

After what felt like a restless sleep, I felt something bump the car tire that made me jump out of my slumber.

I sat up and rubbed my eyes, reassuring that this was reality, when I found myself in Natsu's car at his house.

"N-Natsu? What time is it?" I yawned.

Natsu had laughed at my mistaken joke, honestly it wasn't a joke I was so sleep deprived that I had the best sleep on Natsu's shoulder.

"Umm...I dunno, but I'm sleepy" Natsu yawned as well.

We both got out of Natsu's car walking inside his house...wait, house? Might I remind myself that it's a mansion.

Natsu lead me up to his room like always, and I didn't even have time to put on my pajamas I fell right into the bed.

As I was enjoying that bed's comfy-ness I large shirt fell on my head. I got up and took the shirt off my head and looked at it. It said: Sleep Angel.

"Here...wear this" Natsu folded his arms.

I nodded in reply and took off my regular clothes and put on the shirt with no pants...just my underwear. And I obviously told Natsu to get out when I was changing.

After a while I told Natsu he could come inside, and from his eyes he saw me already on the bed laying down.

"Well, well...for someone who just took a long nap you're pretty sleepy" Natsu layed down next to me.

"Whatever" I blushed.

Natsu had wrapped his arms around me as all I could see and fell was his bare chest and his warmth.

I wanted to stay like this. Just with Natsu.

I just wanted to sleep with him like this again.


A/N: Guys! How was it? I know I was gone for a really long time, but I'm honestly sorry! ^^; but I came back with a new chapter! And a new-new chapter will be tomorrow around the same time I update all the time. Anyway I gotta go see ya later!

M A G I - S A M A O U T T Y~~!

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