Chapter 12: Control Freak

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Susan's p.o.v
I could feel the warmth of the sun wash over my pale stomach. It felt good to be out of that cave. I grabbed Hex's hand and removed it so I could pull my shirt back down. What did she expect us to do? My kingdom is pretty far away and if we walk there is no way we could make it before dark.

I looked up at the girl. Her attire looked weird, but I could tell her mind was on other things the way she stared off into the sky. The sun gleamed off her blue eyes, now tinged with purple since the incident. I stood there waiting for her to come back, but it seemed liked she never would. Then she snapped back into attention.

Her ears twitched in different directions like a dog, she took a whiff of the air and her pupils dilated quickly. Her necklace cracked a little more. She stood there picking up every little thing yet I could hear nothing.

"Hex what is-,"she cuts me off.

"Shh. Listen," were the only words she said before letting go of my hand. I strained my ears to their best ability and for a moment I thought Hex was just being paranoid, but then I heard footsteps through the snow. They seemed to get louder and heavier almost like it was a group of people. Before I could udder a single phrase I could hear the steady click of a gun.

I look at Hex and she is completely still. A red light was aimed at her forehead.

"Wait don't shoot!" I yell.
A man in a full set of padding and winter camouflage walked forward.

"Princess we have been issued a rescue party for your return. We were also ordered to shoot and kill whoever kidnapped you," he said. I heard more guns click as men started emerging from the trees.

Hex was getting warm. I notice the snow around her feet melting, revealing the green grass underneath.

"Hex calm down," I whisper. Her necklace keeps cracking, little by little tiny cracks were emerging from the big one. "Hex don't attack them," I whisper. The man slowly places his hand over his gun.

"Ma'am we are going to have to ask you to move aside. There may be a mess," he said.

"Stop! Hex don't do it. Just relax," I say. She clenched her fists and gritted her teeth. I've never noticed, but hex has pointy ears and fangs. She had this sense of fear that emitted from her as if she was meant to be scary. I couldn't help but feel powerless.

"Move princess," asks the man again.

"We don't need to kill her. We have to trial her first," I say. The man stood there, caught off guard by my request.

"But my princess we had orders," he says.

"And who gave those orders?" I ask.

"V-Vilkas ma'am," he says. Anger fills me. He just wants to hurt Hex.

"Well I'm the princess not him. I say she deserves a trial," I say. The men stand alert and salute.

"Yes ma'am!" He says. The men walk up to Hex, guns still aimed at her head and chest. Hex is still panicked by all the weaponry.

"And put those guns away. She is no threat," I say.

"I wouldn't say that," whispers Hex. I stomp on her foot. She bundles over and grabs her foot. I laughed a bit at the injured Hex, jumping up and down holding her shoeless foot.

The man walks up to her, gun now away and cuffs her. Another man steps up with an Ak-47 and presses it against her back to signal her to move. We all moved towards two winter camouflaged trucks. They led me to the lead truck and Hex to the last truck. After everyone was secure they drove off in the all terrain vehicles through the forest.

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