[E L E V E N]

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[Song recommendation: Hymn for the Weekend -- Coldplay]

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[Song recommendation: Hymn for the Weekend -- Coldplay]

[Chapter Eleven]

"So first of all, Y/n has three quirks,"

Deku wrote her name on the board in front of us, branching it out in three different directions. I sat at the table, my feet kicked onto the table, my arms folded over my chest. Deku caught the board before hooking it back on the command strip in the wall.

"Nullification, Matter Change, and...whatever we're calling her third one. Portal opening?"

"We'll stick with interdimensional manipulation," Deku muttered, writing all three of the quirks down. He then scribbled what each one was underneath it.

"Then we have fuckface's soulmate," I said, picking a file off the table. "Kimina Rin, age 22, female, and her quirk is Nightmare Mist. It alters the chemicals in someone's brain, causing hallucinations. It ultimately stumps them. She mostly used it to stun people and commit robberies at convenience stores. She was arrested four times."

"What about the others?"

I took my feet off the table and leaned forward. "Which ones had a missing person's report, I.V.A.N?"

"None of the listed names on the computer chip came back with a missing person's report. There are no hospital records in the past six months either, besides routine check-ups and visits. They have all reported to work, school, or home on time."

"So they're all happy, healthy, and home," I said, tossing the folder back down. "So why have the files on them?"

"Potential suitors?" Deku shrugged. "We'll set them aside for now. None of their quirks were very peculiar, unlike like Kimina and Y/n. For now, let's focus on them."

"What the fuck does a company that makes accommodations for quirks that affect physical appearance want with them?" I asked. "You said they were making hero suits now too, right? It still doesn't answer what the fuck they want with Y/n or Kimina."

"Maybe it's not the company as a whole, but the CEO. Rikiya Yotsubashi," Deku said, shifting through some papers. "Dabi said that he is the current leader of the Meta Liberation Army."

"What the fuck is that?"

"It's a group that was formed by Chikara Yotsubashi. He was born when quirks were seen as something abnormal and a curse. His mother tried to speak out for him, but she was killed by an anti-meta group. After that Chikara started the Meta Liberation Army. He claimed that the government seized and misrepresent what his mother was trying to say and restricted the use of quirks. He believed that the free use of quirks is a basic human right, and there should be no limitations on how they're used. To fight for that ideal, he created the Meta Liberation Army and took on the name Destro. The one who would destroy the status quo."

saudade [Bakugou K. X reader] [Book two]Where stories live. Discover now