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People fear death for many reasons. For some, the fear of what comes after. The fear of being forgotten. A threat to the meaningfulness of life. Being forced to stop life projects.

This was what the world feared before. Now what we fear is what we become

After Death.

In 2022, the world turned to chaos. Well, it already had been for the past three years but that's the year hell broke loose.

I can't really remember all the details, it's been so long. But I do know enough. I remember the important parts.

A few years prior, in 2019, a deadly virus took over. During the next few years, countries seemed to be re-adapting and soon everyone believed the pandemic was over.

They were wrong.

When people were bit by a creature of un-human nature, they'd come back. They'd come back as mindless, undead creatures same as the ones they were bit by. I've heard that the fever was the worst part.


⚠Warning⚠ This story contains graphic descriptive content, strong language, sexual themes, use of alcohol and tobacco, disturbing descriptive images. Not Recommended for young children.

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