Chapter 23 (The Split Part 3)

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Chapter 23: The Split Part 3

Aiden Palton

December 2023

19 months after outbreak


Season 2


Rudi's sick with some sort of disease but we didn't know what. On top of the fever he was worried sick about his kids and I didn't know how to help.

We had hardly any meds, not enough water either. I wasn't ready for him to die.

He slept most of the day inside a dusty cabin that we found but he woke up after about ten minutes from nightmares about Ashton.

I wanted to tell him how I feel. I wanted him to know why Edin broke up with me. But I couldn't, not now. He was going through too much as it is.

"It's cold in here," he shivered.

"I could light the fireplace. There's no wood but I could go get some, somehow," I offered.

"No, just come here," he said as he moved the blankets aside. This felt wrong but I did it anyway. I joined him under the covers, he put his body on mine. He cried softly into my chest.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," he said through the tears. I didn't say anything. I didn't want to make it worse.


The next day I heard someone open the door of the cabin. I threw Rudolph off of me, he woke up in a panic. I found my knife and immediately went to confront the intruders.

"God damn! You should warn a man before charging at him with a sharp object," the man responded.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I asked, quickly.

"But then again, I guess it would destroy the whole purpose of being sneaky and intimidating," he continued on, ignoring my question.

"Who are you?"

"Oh I'm sorry, who's threatening who? If anything you should be telling me who you are," he crossed his arms.

"Marcus?" Rudi asked softly as he slowly made his way into the living room.

"Rudolph? Wow, you look like shit," he said as he walked forward in an attempt to hug Rudi. I stopped him, I held the knife to his throat.

"Aiden, it's okay. He's a friend."

"Yeah, Aiden, step aside," he said with a smug smile.

"It's good to see you again, man," he said as they hugged. I just stood there silently with confusion plastered on my face.

"You too. Aiden, this is Marcus. Connor's twin brother."


Marcus gave Rudi some medicine from his huge purple backpack. I already didn't like this guy and I knew why but it was hard for me to admit it.

"So he gave his life for you guys?" Marcus confirmed. He didn't look sad. He probably knew his brother was dead by now.

"Yeah, we wouldn't be here without him," Rudi gave a warm smile.

The only good thing that came with this man is the fact that he brought food, wood for the fire, clean clothes, and his meds. If it wasn't for that, I probably would have killed him by now.

We needed to find the others. We were lucky we ran into this man, it could have been someone a lot worse. Rudi had to find Juna and Airi. I had to be the one to make sure he got to them.

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