Chapter 4 (The best idea you've ever had)

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Chapter 4: The best idea you've ever had

Ethan Warren

April 2023

11 months after outbreak


Season 2


We had stopped on the side of the abandoned road. We were out of gas and food in the middle of nowhere.

"I'll go look," Khai sighed and Dallen went with her. Rudi stayed in the car with Juna. There weren't many of the dead nearby but we didn't want to take any chances.

We were almost out of formula as well. I know Rudi was really worried about her, I was too. We all were. She was the future and we had to keep that alive.

We're been on the road for too long. We should've just settled on a stupid little house that we saw in the countryside but for some reason just four wall and a roof wasn't enough for me anymore.

Khai and Dallen came back with two gallons of gas and gas station food a day later. They brought one tin of baby formula but that wouldn't be enough. They looked exhausted and I couldn't blame them. But even though she was tired, she kept me company as I drove the van. I always offered to drive, but I'd take shifts with Aiden whenever I needed it.

The night sky was peaceful. It seemed like it was always night time now. The days went by too quickly.

"We should go to the coast, the west coast," she yawned.

"That's far, Khai. And besides, we don't know what's out there."

"We never do, but maybe an island would be good for us. An opportunity. A fresh start." I thought about it, it didn't seem like a bad idea at the moment. And after all, what else were we going to do? We had nothing now.

"Okay, I'll talk to the other's tomorrow." She smiled but she couldn't keep her eyes open any longer and soon drifted off to sleep like the others.

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