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"Why are you scared?" Austin said.

"I am not scared, it's just that I didn't expect it to be so soon." I said.

"Dude! It's adventure and only lucky ones get these chances." Austin said.

"In that case I am gonna have to pack a few things, they might come in handy anytime." I said and started walking towards the dorms. When we to reached my and Alan's dorm. I went to the closet and pulled out a duffel bag. I stuffed in it things like, flashlight, candles, a club, and a couple of snacks.

"Why are you taking the candles with you?" Kevin inquired.

"To have a candle light dinner with the ghost of that girl, maybe she will accept me." I said quoting with my fingers.

"You think it's funny?" Tyler asked. I was about to say something when Austin entered, he threw something towards me.

"Catch! " Austin said. I caught it right before letting it hit into the wall. It was a walkie talkie. I raised my eyebrow in question.

"Just keep it! You can reach out to us, if something goes wrong-"

"We won't make it on time, if he would need us. It's a half an hour drive from here. What do you expect?" Tyler interrupted.

"Who says we will come back, there is a motel before the house. We will stay there for the night. Really did you guys think I was jerk?" Austin asked.

"Yeah! You are a big jerk." All of us said together and laughed.


I parked my bike in front of the curb, the guys were behind me in Alan's car. All of us were staring at the house, it was oozing out scariness which made us all transfix for a while. All the windows of the house were broken, there was no sign of electricity. The vines were almost covering the whole porch. It was a white Victorian house, I could tell that it would have been a really beautiful house at a time but now it was a complete wreck.

I got off my bike and took a few steps towards the curb. As I started getting closer to the house, a shiver ran down my spine. I couldn't shake off the feeling that, somebody was watching me from inside the house. I stepped on the porch and kept the bag on the floor to see if the door was open or I would have to break open it. My hand was almost on the door knob.


I almost jumped on the noise made by the walkie talkie. "Dude! Are you okay ? Do you wanna come back?" I recognized it as Kevin's voice. I pressed the button on the side of the walkie talkie. "I am okay, don't worry I can do it." I replied.

I turned the door knob and it turned easily, to my relief the house was unlocked. I pushed open the door, took the flashlight out to have a look. I flashed my thumbs to the guys to let them know, everything was normal. The guys took it as a sign and drove away. I stepped inside the house and closed the door behind me. The house wasn't entirely dark the moonlight made it easy to look around the house. The house was still furnished, I walked around to find a place for myself to take rest.

I walked into the dinning room and was looking around, a few framed pictures were hanging on the walls. I paced towards them to get a closer look, all of the pictures were normal family pictures. They seemed to be taken in 1980s, although one photograph was quite unusual from the rest. Everybody was dressed formally and each of them were wearing a necklace with a symbolic pendant. There were three lines, like a Roman number three in a circle. There was something familiar about that pendant, I was thinking to myself when suddenly I felt someone running behind me, it made the hair on my body stand. I turned back abruptly but found nobody.


"Is anybody there?"

I grabbed my flashlight and walked out of the dinning room, then a cracking sound was heard from my left. It was the living room, there was an odd kind of stench in that room. As if someone died there. The room itself was quite eerie. I decided to walkout of that room, so I went back to the dinning room there was a door which was leading to another room. That room was small and didn't have much furniture, it only had a small table at the corner of the room and a vintage fainting couch, it was dusty but it was the only best option I had. I didn't wanna go upstairs for some unknown reason or maybe because my gut told me not to.

The room also had a glass door through which I was able to see the living room and kitchen. I went back to the dining room to get my bag, after that I lit candles in that room and the dinning room. I heard faint sounds or should I say whispers, it was so low and feeble I went into the hallway there was a hole in the floor. So I was careful not to step on it, the whispers became louder. I almost had an heart attack but I thought that it must be my friends and they were messing around with me.


"You there?"

"It's not funny man! So cut it out." I called out but got no response.

"Come out now!" I yelled.

A few seconds later a creaking sound was heard from the staircase, then I heard footsteps. I thought to myself I will kill them for playing a really dirty prank like that. Then I saw someone descending, I couldn't tell who it was, but I kept looking to identify, to my horror a it was a girlish figure and the face was covered with the hair, blood stains were all over her dress. She stopped for a second and then she was in the air, her feet were above the ground. She looked up her face was was pale and her eyes were blood red. That's when I realized, whom I saw was none of my friends, my eyes went wide, I took a few steps back and she was coming closer. I moved back but my foot went into the hole, I fell back and I felt a sharp pain in my head and everything went black.

*Guys I am trying my best to make it as scary as possible. I hope you will like it. Please vote and leave comments :-)

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