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"Not unless you give that parcel and that letter from grand-pa!" I demanded.

"Oh! You scum, I should have known." Austin said. And the rest of them, joined him by shaking their head.

"Yeah! I am the bad guy, now? Last time I checked, some jerks usurped my property." I said, crossing my arms on my chest. All of them started staring at me, like I grew a second pair of head.

"Damn! That one meeting from officer sure made sound like a government employee." Tyler said.

"I thought, I was in a parade or something!" Alan burst out laughing.

"Come on! Don't be a girl and start speaking up!" Kevin said joining them.

"Thank-you God! For trapping me in a bunch lousy girls. Deal is a deal! You give me what grand-pa sent me and I'll tell you what happened. Are we cool?" I asked smiling at them.

"Since! You are standing alive, here after that meeting means things went well between you guys." Austin said snapping.

"Okay! Okay! I'll go first!" I surrendered. They smiled and I cursed under my breath and sighed.

After I explained him everything. Officer Micheals said something, I couldn't have thought in the wildest of my dreams.

"Murphy! The only reason why I am listening to your crap is, because I've lost many of my force men. In that hell hole." Officer Micheals said, hanging his head low.

"What? You know about that house? And the activities going in it?" I asked in bafflement.

"Of course! I know! And I know about you too." He said.

"What about me?" I asked in confusion.

"That you are the grandson of Philip Lucas, the member of Trinity. You are lucky, Murphy you've got a strong background. You are one lucky brat!" He replied, turned and left.


"This is what happened." I told them, all of them were staring at me, their jaws dropped.

"What?" I asked.

"I think, this society is some big deal, I mean the freaking government knows about it. It's like your get out of jail free card." Tyler said.

"Now can I have that parcel and the letter?" I asked growing impatient.


Kevin fetched the things, after I asked for them. I opened the parcel first, there were some pictures of my childhood with grand-pa and grand-ma, our picnic pictures. That was the time when, I realized that, how much he cared for us. All those years I spent without seeing him, I remember, how I used to beg my parents to let me go and spend my vacations with him. Then my gaze landed on what looked like, air ticket.

I rubbed my eyes to check, whether I was dreaming or was it really what I thought it was? And it was. I didn't know, why he'd give me an air ticket? On the ticket it said, I had a flight to Emporia, Kansas in five hours. But why? Then my attention went on the envelope. I picked the white envelope and took out two A4 sheets, which were neatly folded. It said.


I am writing this because, such things must not be discussed on the phone. And information you have, must be held safely. Upon your request, I tried to contact the man for the job. Couldn't get in touch with him the first two times, but I managed to get in touch. I could only provide him with the outlines of the happenings. Rest you will have to tell him, but I must warn you, the journey you have set your foot on is not safe. This path is filled with life threatening obstacles. I do not want you to get hurt in anyway. I am sending to ticket to Emporia, you will have travel to the address I am sending you that's where you will find, Baldwin Mathews. He will lead you further and guide you what to do next. And I've sent you some treasures of my life. I'll say, you still have time, my child. Think again, take care.

Love Grandpa Lucas.

On the other page there was address of this Baldwin Mathews, there was no contact number. I didn't know what to expect. Everything was happening so fast, I didn't know to do next.

"Well! What does it say?" The guys asked in unison. I snapped back, it took me a while to register that, guys were still there waiting.

"I have to leave for Emporia in a while, to meet this person, who can do the job." I replied.

"Is it just me or all of you are nuts? Why don't your grandpa smack some sense into you?" Alan said.

"He doesn't like it either, me doing this thing. But, I say what is wrong with that?" I asked.

"W-what? I can't believe! You are saying that? It's your life that's on stake. And you are asking, what's wrong with helping a dead girl, who isn't even alive anymore and not to forget that she has killed uncountable people. And you are travelling places just to seek something stupid known as justice for her, ruining your life, your grades and everything. Why don't you understand that you will lose your life?" Alan spat.

"To hell with this life. I am irked for hearing that crap, you know that? This is my life, I can do whatever the hell I want with it. And stop calling her dead!" I literally yelled.

"Jake!" Austin called out.

"What?" I yelled.

"Firstly! You don't own your life, so you can't talk crap about it. And secondly! You ain't doing this alone. I am coming with you this time." He said.

"W-what? I can't let you do this. No! You can't, I won't let you do this." I said softly.

"Jake! I am not asking for your permission, I am telling you this. I am booking myself a flight too, you can't go alone because, it's dangerous and you don't even know what this guy can do. I mean if he can pull a dangerous job like this God knows what else he can do." He spoke with a warning.

I was at loss of words. I did not know, what to say. Maybe I really was being a jerk to them, all they had for me was concern. Maybe because they thought I was weak, but I wasn't the Jake, I used to be. He died with Cody that day.


Author's Note:

Hey! People, I am back with a new chapter. I know! It was longer than expected. Got caught up in stuff. But hey! I updated, I hope we are cool now. :P

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2017 ⏰

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