Chapter 1

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Ashton's POV

I drove into school in my white Range Rover car with my music playing loud and the three blonde and black haired girls in the back seat smiling at me. All three of them were my personal hook ups. They knew that they were all sleeping with me but they didn't care. They all wanted me.

Tina was the black haired girl. She was the first to throw herself at me. Her dad owns a car company. He buys and sells motors which is why all five of my cars are the latest and most expensive.

Amy is first blonde. I tend to make out with her more than anything else. She was my partner when we had to do sex education and I kinda joked about when I said we should sleep together so are project can have more detail. Once I said that she threw herself at me and we've been on and off ever since.

But then there is Abbie. She's tall,blonde and tanned. She has crystal white teeth and a rocking body. Her parents are rich as hell so she gets everything. She's cheer captain for the school cheerleaders team. She's my main girl. We hook up most nights. She's probably the best out of the three and she knows that.

I pulled into my parking space where all my friends were waiting for me listening to rock music and laughing at the girls staring at them

As we stepped out of car Amy helped me put my back pack on and I put my arms over Tina and Abbie as we walked over to them.

"Lads" I said and fist pumped each of them as the girls sat on the bonnet of a car with other cheerleaders.

Luke,Michael and Calum have been my best friends for ages. We all met in year 7 and we've been inseparable ever since.

Luke is the smartest of the group and the most respective of girls which I find nice. He's had girlfriends obviously but only thanks to me. He has such a different taste to me and the other boys but despite his respect for girls and how nice he can be, he is still the rudest and second meanest of the group.

Michael is the boy that introduced me to these girls. They were mainly all into him. The girls said its his colored hair and eyebrow piercing that made him so attractive. After I came along they lost interest in Michael and moved onto me. He was pissed as fuck at first but he still gets his share of attention.

Calum is probably the rudest. I have my moments were i'm rude towards people but i'm more mean then anything else. Girls are always all over him. He's second best in the group though. They all go for me,then its Calum then Michael then Luke. As I said Luke is respective towards girls but the girls in bring into the group don't really care about respect they just want all the attention.




I walked up to maths class with my arm over Abbie as we walked in. I began to walk over to my place but the annoying school nerd was sitting there. I've never learnt her name.

"Excuse me nerd...You're in her seat" I said getting at the fact she was in Abbie's place.

"Uhm sorry...I was told to sit her" She rushed clearly scared of what the outcome could be.

"Excuse me? Did you just talk back to me?" I spat at her.

She quickly picked all her things up then moved to a different chair.

She only has a few friends and no boy is interested in her from what I hear. Who would want the school nerd?




After maths we had lunch and our group had our own space. It was on the a level that had stairs leading up to it so we could laugh at everyone underneath us.

Abbie and Amy were sitting on my lap like they usually do. Abbie was playing with my hair and Amy was feeding me some lunch. I have so many girls under my control.

"Mate...You any good at maths? Luke is refusing to do it for me" Calum said coming over.

"I'm not even doing my work...Ask the nerd over there" I said and pointed at the girl from my maths class. Still don't know her name and nor do I care about finding it out.

"Who the hell is that?" Calum laughing.

"I don't know but she does all her work" I shrugged and he walked over.

Tori's POV

"So what do you think Tori?" Lucy asked and I knitted my eyebrows together.

"What?" I asked clueless.

"Who do you think is hotter? Ashton or Calum?" She asked.

I thought for a moment then looked over at their space in the cafeteria to see Ashton had all the girls on him yet again.

"Do this for me" Someone said throwing their maths homework at me.

"Excuse me?" I said and looked up to see Calum Hood.

"I said do this for me and if you don't...There will be trouble" He snarled then walked back.

I looked at his sheet of paper and groaned. Last week I had to do Luke's English essay then I had to do Michael's science project along with my own.

"Tori...You've got to start sticking up for yourself" Lily sighed.

"What? And get another beating from them girls like last time?" I shook my head and they just gave me a look of sympathy.




It was the end of the day and I had finished Calum's maths homework.

Normally I hand it to the person i'm doing it for in class but he isn't in any of my classes and I don't know where his locker is so I guess I have to go right up to him.

"There they are..." Lily said and bit onto her lip.

I turned to see them all crowding around Ashton's car that had music playing and cheerleader trying to show of as much skin as possible as they lent over the cars.

"Why do they always travel in packs? And with all them girls?" Lucy shook her head.

I took a deep breath before walking over there.

"See you later Tori!" I heard them call out.

As I got closer I began to shake. How do I get their attention? Do I tap his shoulder? Should I just pass it to the closest person then run and never face school again?

"Calum...I've finished your maths homework" My voice shook as I stood behind him.

He slowly turned around and snatched the paper out of my hand which resulted in me getting a paper cut.

"I better get 100% on this or there will be consequences" He said through his teeth.

"Y-you will I promise" My voice stuttered and I turned away then began to walk home.




I'm really excited for this so pleaseeeeee stay with me on this!!!


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