Chapter 12

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Ashton's POV

Why did I have to say I want to be with her when I don't? I've only just realized that. I went to Abbie's straight away and she made me realize that I don't have feelings for Tori. And even if we did date, it wouldn't be for that long.

I decided to go to Calum's so I could update the boys on how the dare is going. It's a dare. A plain and simple dare.

"So she thinks you like her?" Michael asked.

"Yep...She now thinks we're basically dating" I laughed.

"We should thank Abbie for taking your mind of that girl" Calum laughed "Wait...We should take another step up on this dare" He smirked.

"What now? Propose to her?" I joked.

"No...Luke...Let's see who can get her in bed first...You or Luke" He smirked.

"No way...I'm not getting involved in this dare!" Luke argued.

"Oh for god sake Luke. You and your old school morals" Calum rolled his eyes.

"No. Its not 'morals' its calling having respect for a girl" He argued again.

"C'mon...It will make it better...She will think both of you have an interest...And anyway its the least you can do for a girl of her condition" He said and Luke looked so annoyed.

"Luke...We all know you wanted to ask her out on a date before this dare came about" Michael said.

"I'm not being involved in your stupid dare...You do realize how upset she's going to be when she finds out it was a dare? What about when she finds out everything that you two have shared you've told all of us. I mean we now know she has to take pills most of the day, that she was told she has a short life expectancy at the age of 7. Oh and you also told us about what her dad does to her...How will she feel when she finds out that all these kisses and hugs were fake?" He said trying to make me feel bad.

"Shut up Luke...We couldn't careless if you left this group...You've left before and did we care? No we didn't" Calum snapped.

"Fine! Kick me out of the group! Bully me for the rest of my school days! I couldn't careless!" He yelled and picked his car keys up "You're calling me pathetic for knowing how to treat a girl how she deserves to be...Ashton, you always teach Harry that he needs to look after a girl when he gets one and that he needs to be a proper man towards her. But here you are acting like a dick towards the nicest girl that will ever want you...Have your hook up girls because clearly Ashton all you want is sex and you're only using her...You told us that she wants to lose her virginity soon and you want to take it but the thing is...It would mean nothing to you but it would mean everything to her..." He added.

"What? And you're planning on taking it?" Calum laughed.

"Well at least if I do it won't be for a dare and all the words I say beforehand won't be a lie" He said then finally walked out.

I stood speechless after his words. They were true but I didn't care. He can have her. I know they won't kick me out of the group. They need me too much.




Tori's POV

The house was finally quiet and I had time to relax. Everyone had just gone out for the day, they asked if I would like to come but I said no. I just wanted to sit at home and relax.

I laid down in the darkness of my room with food and my laptop next to me. I had a season of American Horror Story on and snacked out while watching it.

I paused it once I heard someone knock at the door. I groaned, not only because I have to get up and carry my tank down the stairs, i'm also wearing no make-up or bra.

Thinking that is either my friends or Ashton I opened the door with a smile.

I was wrong.

It was Luke Hemmings. And oh my god did he look perfect.

"Luke?" I was taken back my his visit.

"Hey...I was wondering if you wanted to hang out?" He asked with a nervous smile which soon turn into him biting his lip ring.

"Well...I'm watching American Horror Story right now in bed and considering i'm walking around with a tank...We'd be pretty stuck for places" I said.

"I love that show!" He smiled "I love the first season the best!" He smiled again.

"We can watch it together if you like? I've only just started watching the first season...I watched the second one first by accident" I laughed.

"I'd love too" He smiled and walked in "Here i'll carry that for you" He said and held the tank as I lead him to my room.

"Sorry about the mess...I wasn't really expecting someone to come round" I awkwardly laughed.

"It's fine...You have a really nice room" He complimented "Oh god...I love All Time Low! And Green Day! You listen to Nirvana? Wow, you're like my dream girl!" He rushed while looking at the posters.

"Why so surprised?" I joked.

"I didn't mean it in a horrible way...It's just hard to find a girl that likes some of these bands...Some don't even care about music" He said and sat next to me "Are you going to see All Time Low in concert next week?" He asked and I sighed.

"I wish...I tried to get tickets but my mum couldn't get any and I guess we'd rather buy my pills than a concert ticket" I sighed again.

"I have a spare ticket for Saturday night if you want to come with me?...I was meant to be going with my brother but he didn't realize he had work that day" He bit onto his lip out of nerves while asking me.

"Really? Oh my! Thank you! Of course i'll go!" I rushed and hugged him.

"Okay now let's watch this..." He said then took his shoes of and laid next to me.



the noodle is too cute.

srry i had a major luke girl moment.




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