Chapter 15

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Ashton's POV

Luke and Michael were walking to see Tori so obviously I instantly got in the car and drove to hers.

I kept rethinking everything. The closer I get to her house the more I try to reevaluate the whole situation. Is it worth upsetting someone so much just for a dare? All these lies I've been telling are just so I can stay the popular one in the group.

After knocking on her door and going straight upstairs, I knocked on her bedroom door and she answered with a huge smile on her face.

"Ashton...You should of texted...I would of dressed better" She laughed lightly while looking down at her outfit.

She was wearing jogging bottoms,a jumper and some fluffy socks with her hair in a messy ponytail.

"You look beautiful as always" I smiled and sat on her bed.

"Shut up" She blushed and looked away while standing in front of me.

"I'm serious" I said with a smile.

I placed my hands on her hips and smiled up at her.

"You're so beautiful" I whispered then kissed her.

It heated up fast, almost like her life depended like it. Well it was mainly me that sped it up.

"I want to.." She sighed almost embarrassed.

"But your mum is home all the time..." I pointed out.

"What about at yours?" She asked "Look if you don't want to then don't bother" She shook her head.

"No! Tomorrow of course! I'll make everything perfect" I said with a slight smirk that i'm finally getting towards winning the dare.




Tori's POV

"So guys...Does it hurt, you know...On your first time?" I asked slowly waiting for their answer.

"I'm not going to lie to you...It hurt like a bitch" Lily said and my eyes went wide. Lucy agreed but didn't let her eyes lose contact with the road since she was driving me to Ashton's.

I haven't told them that i'm planning on losing my virginity today. I just told them i'm hanging out with Ashton at his for a little bit then he's dropping me off. Which isn't completely a lie but to be honest i'll probably tell them anyway.

"Woah...Are you planning to lose it to Ashton?" Lily gasped.

"We spoke about it yesterday and he said today...He said he's going to make sure everything is perfect...Guys I really like him and I think he really likes me too" I smiled.

"Well if its with Ashton...Its probably going to kill" She said and twitched her lip "We all know he's probably huge" She joked.

"Guys...This isn't making things better...I'm nervous enough as it is...I mean seriously, I have to take all my mask off and I don't know...What if he thinks i'm bad?" I sighed, my nerves suddenly increasing.

"If he likes you as much as you claim, he'll think you're perfect...And if he doesn't...I'll just show everyone his nursery photos since we went to the same nursery..." She laughed and eventually we all did.

Ashton's POV

"So today's the day then" Michael sighed, clearly pissed off with me.

"Yep..." I dragged out while fluffy my pillows.

"Bloody asshole" I heard Luke mumbled but I ignored it.

"Calum...What the hell are you doing?" I asked him after I saw him messing around with what was sitting on top of my draws.

"Just looking at your photos" He mumbled and finally walked away.

After looking around my room a thousand times to make sure everything seemed okay, I sprayed myself with some lynx then waited for a knock which finally came 5 minutes later.

"You lot can leave from the garden" I said to them "Luke...Michael...Will you stop thinking badly of me...You know how much this group means to me...I'm sure you'd do the same" I sighed at them after seeing their look of judgement.

"No! If it was me i'd put the girls feelings before a group, you clearly find her a toy don't you?" Michael snapped "I don't want to be part of your pathetic asshole player group anymore...Come one Luke" Michael said and Luke agreed.

"We'll see you later" Luke said and I nodded.

They have to come round anyway, my mum pretty much forces them to. They both left the house but I just shook their little statement off and walked to the door to see Tori smiling nervously.

"Hey..." She said with her soft tone.

"Are you sure you're ready?" I asked her as I held both her hands.

"I'm sure...Are you?" She asked.

"Of course" I smiled then kissed her.

After a heated make out session I helped her get up the stairs then finally laid her on my bed. I could tell she was nervous by the way she held onto my neck as I kissed all over her face and neck while running my hands up and down her legs.

"You're so beautiful" I whispered in between kisses.

Eventually we were both in just her underwear and she took a few deep breaths before taking off the mask then looking back at me.

"Are you going to be okay without that?" I asked while caressing her cheek.

"Well we're not going to get too out of breath are we?" She said with a shrug.

"Well...We best keep it near by" I laughed slightly and began my movement.

I pulled off the thin bit of material then threw her bra into the pile of clothes the done the same with my boxers.

"Woah...That's going in me?" Her eyes widened.

"Yes why?" I laughed.

"Its huge" She said and I laughed.

"Surprised?" I joked and she nodded while laughing.

"Are you okay?" I asked after starting all my movements.

"Just hurts a little..." She said hissing in a breath.

"The pain will go eventually baby...Just takes a little while that's all" I said then kissed her "You'll be okay...I'll be gentle" I said then smiled.




After all of that, she stayed for something to eat then I walked her home. Throughout our little process I kept realizing how much of a dick I am. I'm confused on my feelings towards her. One minute I really like her then the next i'm just calling her a dare and she means nothing.

After all the boys came round the couldn't stop asking me questions.

"Well if you're lying Ashton...We've got the real one here" Calum smirked while standing near my draws.

"What are you talking about now?" I groaned and he laughed.

"Look" He smirked again and turned around.

"It was being recorded!" I screamed.



dun dun dun



if you see this say hi


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