Chapter 6

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Tori's POV

I honestly thought Ashton was just taking me out and wasn't going to try anything on with me. He was constantly trying to find a way to touch me even though I was constantly pushing him off. I actually thought in a way we could be friends.

But now I don't want to be friends with him. He's just a sex crazed man whore.

Maybe that was a little too mean. But he is mean.

With all thoughts aside I pulled on my jeans and put my shoes on then began looking for a shirt.

The top I planned on wearing was clearly downstairs since it wasn't anywhere in my rooms.

All the kids were in the playroom we have and my dad was at work...Well he's barely ever home.

Since it was just my mum I ran down the stairs wearing just my bra and jeans.

"Mum have you seen my-Oh my god!" My tone instantly changed once I saw Ashton sitting at the breakfast bar.

"Have I seen what?" She asked and I covered my chest with a jacket that was on the side.

"My floral shirt" I said.

"Ah...I hung it up here...One second" She said and walked out of the room.

I stood awkwardly as Ashton just stared at me. Why is he even here? Why is he so obsessed with me? Is he a stalker now?

"What do you want Ashton?" I said.

"I was planning on driving you to school...I didn't plan on seeing you in your bra" He rolled his eyes.

"I didn't plan on you seeing me in my bra...Like i'd ever let you see me this exposed" I rolled my eyes and my mum finally came in holding my top.

I quickly pulled it on then threw the jacket on the floor. It was probably Ashton's but I don't care.

"So Ashton...You were planning on taking Tori out again?" My mum said and passed him some tea.

"Yeah I was..." He smiled.

"How about later?" My mum said with a smile. She's so oblivious to the fact Ashton only wants one things. It clear from how much he rushed into kissing me last night.

"I'm still here you know?" I snapped "Maybe I have things to do tonight" I stood my ground.

"Tori...You rarely have plans" My mum rolled her eyes.

I groaned and picked my bag up then walked out of the door with Ashton following me.

"So...Another date for us tonight?" He said with a dimpled smile.

"Fun" I sarcastically said.




It was a half day so my 'date' with Ashton was drawing closer and closer.

"So another date with Ashton?" Lily smirked.

"I don't know why...I used to be someone for him to pick on not someone he wants to take out" I bit onto my lip.

"Did you kiss last time? Tongues?" Lucy rushed.

"Ew! No!" I gagged and looked at Ashton who was staring at the girls in front of him "See...He's more into them" I said turning back around.

I continued to play with my food while they spoke about hot he is and that i'm lucky. I guess I am. I mean I have liked him for ages but I seem to slowly be realizing he's actually an ass.

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