Chapter 10

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Tori's POV

Well the dinner last night was hell. The kids didn't shut up for a second. My grandparents were patronizing towards me and everyone was acting like I was a piece of glass. They didn't want to leave me alone in case I fell over and knocked myself out. A little extreme but its true. They don't leave me alone for a minute. Whenever i'm trying to shower my mum is knocking on the door asking if i'm okay.

I'm allowed to take my mask of for when I shower and sleep but I there's so many restriction with it. I can't swim or do much physical activities without needing an ambulance to come to my rescue. They said I can still do walking obviously but I can't run. Which is fine because I didn't anyway.

"Tori? Are you okay?" I heard my mum ask for the millionth time.

"I'm fine! Like the last 10 times you asked!" I snapped.

I know she's only trying to make me better but if anything, the more people ask if i'm okay the worse I feel because I know somethings wrong.

Life sucks.




I sat in the restaurant scrapping the little bits of salt that had spilled out of the shaker while I waited for my break to finish. Even though I said I want to continue to work they have given me longer breaks. I would be thankful for this but people are treating me like a baby. My mum walks me to bed, drops me at work and say 'are you okay?' around 10 times within an hour. I haven't been to school yet. But I will tomorrow. I have to otherwise my mum will get in trouble and need to pay a fine.

"Bored?" A voice said making me jump.

"Just a little" I sighed once I saw it was Ashton "Wait...I thought places like this weren't your thing?" I raised my eyebrow.

"Well...You're here" He smiled "Anyway...Are you okay?" He asked.

"You could of asked anything else...That is literally all people say to me now" I shook my head.

"Okay how about this for a question..." He started "Will you come to a beach party with me?" He asked.

"Parties aren't really my thing...And I have to carry this thing around" I said looking at the tank.

"I'll be there...It's no entirely a party because people with children will be there...More like a carnival type of thing I guess" He seemed like he was confusing himself the more he spoke.

"So basically...Its a few people on the beach with music?" I laughed.

"Pretty much so" He giggled making me laugh.




"Here...Let me carry that for you" Ashton said and held onto the tank as we walked towards the beach.

The beach was pretty crowded. Mainly parents with moody children that would rather be anywhere else but here.

We walked around for a little bit then sat down looking out at the sea.

"What are you thinking about?" He asked.

"That we're going to die" I said with my eyes locked onto the sea.

"What? Right now?" He basically asked.

"Yeah...We should do something" I said and held onto his strong arm.

"Like what?" He asked.

"Bad decisions" I said and he looked confused.

"Come again?" He laughed slightly.

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