Chapter 4

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Ashton's POV

"It might not be that bad Ashton...You might get laid" Calum laughed as we sat under a tree with the girls sunbathing in front of us and the boys drinking cola the other side of us.

Usually we sit inside but its so hot right now so we decided to all sit outside in the shade under a tree.

"No thanks" I rolled my eyes and laughed.

"Dude...It can't be that hard to get her to go on a date with you" Luke said while taking another aspirin. He was still so hungover which is funny because its rare for him.

"Really? She seems to be playing hard to get" I groaned "How about you try and get her number then?" I smirked and he stood up and walked towards her.

She was sitting down with her friends on a picnic bench. They were probably gossiping about something because that's all girls seem to do.

Once he got towards her she looked confused at first but her confused face quickly turned into a smile and then a laugh.

He said some other things which also made her laugh and I was groaning at how easy he made it look.

Next thing I saw she had his phone in her hand and was typing her number in which caused Luke to turn around so he could give me a cocky grin.

He began walking back with a smug look on his face then sat back down then leaned against the tree again.

"How did you do it? She'd reject me straight away if I asked her" I said looking at him as he held onto his head.

"Well for one I wasn't some huge ass to her...I actually made her smile and laugh" He said with his eyes shut "Why don't you go and try?" He suggested and I nodded then stood up.

I walked up to her with my phone in my hand and ran a hand through my hair before stopping at where she was sitting. All her friends looked up at me but she didn't bother looking at me at all.

"Tori can I-" I started.

"No" She cut me off and I stormed back to my group.

"No luck?" Luke laughed.

"What do you think?" I sarcastically said.




That night I remember I had a date with the weird girl from my English class. Normally I wouldn't go but my friends were forcing me to so I felt like I had to.

With a loud groan I knocked on the front door of her house and she answered not even a second after I knocked. Was she seriously sitting at the door waiting for me?

"Hi Ashton" She said with spit coming out of her mouth.

"Christ" I said eyeing up her outfit. She had green crocs on with some yellow jeans and another one of her 'Save the polar bears' tops. Her hair was in ponytails each side...Well I guess each to their own.

"You think I look beautiful? Thanks" She said yet again spitting everywhere.

"Let's go" I groaned and got in my car.

Luke,Michael and Calum were going to be following all my movements tonight just so they could have a laugh at me and my 'date'.

I only took her to this cheap restaurant. I never take girls on dates so I wasn't planning on blowing my money on some fancy restaurant. I meant this wasn't even a date so I'm definitely not blowing any money. I should be saving money for my date with Tori. And I will be getting a date with her .

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