Chapter 5

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Ashton's POV

"So how do I make this date believable? Should I bring some flowers?" I asked the boys as we sat in my room. Luke was playing with the guitar that was in the corner of my room and Mike and Cal where just playing the xbox I never use.

"Try and make a fool of yourself...Then she'll see your not trying to hard" Luke said with his eyes not leaving the cords.

"How do I do that?" I asked him.

"Well...Accidentally spill your drink on yourself or fall over...Then she'll probably laugh...But then again she laughs at you anyway because you're such a dick" He said playing a little tune.

"It won't be an accident though will it?" I rolled my eyes.

"And change your attitude...It took you think long to get her to go on a date with you...You still have to get her to be you girlfriend" Michael said.

"Woah...I thought I just had to get her on a date and sleep with her...You didn't say anything about dating her" I backed away.

"A dare is a dare" He shrugged "And you need to kiss her...We will be watching so we know your not lying" He added.

I groaned and looked through my wardrobe. I have one pair of jeans and probably over 100 different shirts.

"What should I wear?" I asked and they laughed "What?" I asked them.

"You sound like a bloody girl...Wear a band shirt and skinny jeans...Like usual" Calum shook his head.

"I don't go on dates...I don't know what to do" I rolled my eyes.




I pulled up at her house and got out then walked to the door. After knocking a few times a women answered so I guess its her mum.

"Oh my god its a boy" She said like she was surprised.

"I'm here for Tori..." I smiled at her.

The house was different than I expected. I knew she had a brother from what she posts on social media but there is so many children here.

"Tori! There is a handsome young man here for you!" She called up the stairs.

"He's not handsome mum" Tori rolled her eyes and walked down the stairs.

She looked quite nice I guess. She had black jeans,converse and a plain white jumper on. It wasn't fancy or reveling like the girls i'm used to but i'm going to have to get used to it if we're going to 'date'.

"I'll be back at nine mum" She said then walked out with me.

"Who said I wanted to drop you off at nine?" I laughed.

"Who said I even want to spend my Saturday night with you?" She laughed back.

She sat silent in the car clearly bored. What more does she want? I'm playing music by her favorite band and she's still moody.

What do girls expect on a first date?

I pulled up at a cinema. Like she said she wants an action film then unhealthy food after. So i'm going to follow what she wants.

"Before you even knock going to the cinema you were the one that said you prefer this" I said quickly.

"Actually I was going to ask what we are watching" She rolled her eyes at me.

"Fast and furious...I know you like that film" I said handing the ticket in.

Once we were in we took a seat and the film soon started. I don't go to cinemas...To be honest I don't see the point. It will be released on DVD soon.

She was really into watching the film so I done the 'yawn and put you arm over' move on her.

Once my arm was down she moved it straight away and laughed.

"Cliche and cringey" She whispered.




"So...All them children at your house...Are they all you siblings?" I asked.

"No...Well in a way I guess they are...Toby who is my real brother is...The other children our foster kids...My mum looks after them until they've got someone to permanently look after them" She said.

"That's very sweet" I smiled at her and she smiled back "Did I just get a smile out of you?" I teased noticing I made her smile.

"No...I was smiling at my drink...Its nice" She hid her smile again.

"Does your-" I started but fell over. It wasn't even on purpose like Luke told me to. I fell over because of my shoe laces.

"Wow...Smooth" She laughed.

"Don't tell anyone about that alright?" I rushed after dusting my legs off.

"Why would I want to talk about you?" She rolled her eyes and took sips of her drink.

"What I was going to say was...Does your mum always do this or is it a rare thing?" I asked.

"Well...We keep getting conversions on our house to make it bigger so she can foster more...She get's a call a few times a week about someone new coming...It's quite annoying to be honest" She bit onto her lip as we got in my car.

"It's nice thing...What's so annoying about it?" I asked and she groaned.

"Well having screaming 7 year old's waking at at 7 in the morning and running around the house isn't exactly my idea of fun" She said.

She was actually quite an interesting person.

"My mum needs so continuously pay for doctors bills because-" She cut herself "Forget I even said that" She covered her mouth.

"Whatever" I shrugged and we reached her house.

I walked her to the front door and we looked at each other awkwardly.

"You can hear them screaming already..." She awkwardly said trying to divert the attention elsewhere.

When she looked back I put my hand on her cheek and went to kiss her but she pushed me back.

"Woah Ashton...Too fast" She said and backed away.

"That's what they do in the movies" I said.

"This isn't a movie Ashton" She said pulling out her keys "I'm not going to be one of your bimbos...If you're just trying to sweeten me up" She added then walked into her house.

I groaned then walked to my car and got in. This dare is going to be so much harder than I first thought.

"Failed at getting a kiss" A voice said and Michael and Luke were in the backseat.

"Fuck!" I swore "How long have you been there for?" I asked.

"Long enough" He laughed.



asdfghjkl im so excited for this




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