Chapter 7

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Tori's POV

My night with Ashton was actually quite nice. He now knows one of my biggest secrets. I don't know why I told him but not my friend. I guess in a way I actually trust him or he's good at acting. He may be acting like he actually cares and likes me. I know he's into performing arts but all I know is he plays drums.

Lucy and Lily won't leave me alone about last night. They won't me to kiss with him and sleep with him. They may of lost their virginity at young ages but I don't plan that. I'm 17, I want to wait until i'm 18. Its always been my idea. To find someone I like and wait until i'm 18. But it seems impossible to find someone that actually has a sexual attraction to me.

After all i'm a huge nerd. Calum Hood told me that no one wants me and i'm going to be single. One time some boy actually took an interest in me. He was new so that's probably why but we began liking each other more and more. Then Calum found out and told the boy if he didn't end things with me then he'd make his life hell. So he ended things with me and moved schools.

I've liked Ashton ever since that happened. I don't know what drew me in. When I first saw him he was wearing a Pink Floyd top with ripped jeans and a bandanna. I found him so attractive. I remember I done a little dance when he sent me a facebook friend request. He sent me the request. I called Lucy up straight away and we literally screamed.

Laughing at the memory I wiped left over mascara from under my eye and reapplied it. I put a tiny bit of peach lip balm on then tied my hair into a pony tail.

I had work today. It was in an american styled diner. I get quite good money but I don't get to keep it. I give it straight to my mum so she can buy my medicine and provide food for the family.

I pulled out my white jumper and put on my leggings and my boots then walked straight out the door without saying bye. There was no point. My mum wouldn't hear me over the sound of the annoying kids screaming.




I was on my last table of the night and thank god. We've had two birthday parties in today;Both children.

My legs were aching from walking around all day with no break.

I picked up my little notebook and walked towards the last table then groaned when I saw who it was.

It was Ashton,Luke,Michael and Calum with their slutty hook ups.

"Oh...The nerd has a job" Calum laughed.

"Yeah...We don't all have parents that are millionaires" I rolled my eyes.

"Isn't the rule service with a smile?" He smirked clearly trying to wind me up.

"What can I get all of you?" I asked with a forced smile.

"Just get us all the meal of the day and the girls will have water...We'll have beers" He ordered.

"You're all under 18...You can't drink here without an adult" I told them and they laughed.

"Just get us our food" He snapped.

I walked over to the kitchen and picked up all the drinks while the chef made their meals.

"I didn't ask for this flavor of water" Abbie said after spitting the water back in the glass.

"It's water...There's only one flavor" I said in an obvious tone.

"Get me a new one now!" She screeched.

I walked back over to the kitchen and just ran the tape water. She's so demanding its annoying.

"There you go" I sarcastically said and passed her drink to her.

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