🔴Chapter 21🔴

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A new chapter is up!!!!! 💃💃

I might drop another one tomorrow so anticipate or........ wait till Wednesday😅


Chapter 21



Benefit jerked up from her slumber, was she really raped or was it just a dream?  She asked herself,  it didn't feel like one from the way she felt underneath. Her friends were even staring at with fear and concern inscribed in their eyes.  Amazing had tears all over her face. The more she tried cleaning them off, the more they poured down.

"How did you guys find me? That guy Micheal,  he drugged me and raped me" "He has been rushed to the clinic,  Ema broke his head with a bottle" Uche answered as though it was a comsolation for the rape.

Benefit cried,  "I'm no longer a virgin,  Nene are you happy now? Does it make you happy now?"  "Why are you calling my name? Was I the one that planned it with him?" "Oh shut up! Can't you feel the slightest remorse? It's your fault that I'm in this shit! It's your fault we all came to this place!" 

Nene rolled her eyes,  she felt guilty but didn't want to show it. She handed a plate of salt to her,  "Lick it" "Lick what?" "The salt now,  we don't know if he released in you,  we won't want you to get pregnant so lick plenty of the salt,  you'll lick lime too."

Benefit pushed the plate away an it fell on the ground, "It's your own headache oh."  "Better own up to what you did!" "What do you want? A written apology or an oral one? It's a party,  you could have been smart,  everyone of you could have been smart! How can someone you don't know give you drink to drink and you drank it! Are you stupid or are you stupid?"

Benefit charged towards her and Amazing held her back,  "Let go of me!" "What can you do?" "Via,  if you say another word,  I'll be the one to slap you and you know I don't bluff!" Uche snapped,  " Ah han! You're very stupid! You're an idiot who doesn't have sense, a mumu beyond redemption,  she got raped,  it's on us. Every one of us,  Benefit and Ema are the youngest,  Benefit is fragile,  we should have protected her"

Amazing inched close to Benefit,  "I'm sorry for taking my eyes off you" "My life is over" she sobbed while Amazing embraced her.  "Trust me,  your life is not over! Some people got raped at 12 and they're still fine till now. You'll be fine" Fisayo replied and Benefit shot a glare at her.

"Really? Is that all you can say?"

Fisayo left the room out of guilt,  the whole thing was bringing bad memories!


Benefit vomits while bathing in bathroom,  she squats to control her dizziness then she scooped a bowl of water splashing it on her face.

She leaned her head on the desk while struggling to write her exam then Amazing who was seated at the extreme on the same column as her creased her brow in worry,  "Are you okay?" She managed to ask while observing the invigilators.

"Yes" she mouthed then she added,  "Malaria" "Oh,  take drugs" Amazing replied and she nodded in agreement. "Later" "Benefit!" Fisayo whispered turning her head to the back,  "No. 3 in theory, sit up lemme copy your work,  sit up jhoor!"

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