🔴Chapter 24🔴

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Chapter 24


Word for today

But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one - 2 Thess 3:3

Bamidele typed when he heard the bell ringing,  he grimaced then he sent it to his status. "Chill... I'm coming"

Bassey entered into the room after spending some time in the gym. He noticed Fisayo wasn't in the room, so he made way into the bathroom.  He hasn't been able to sleep after the bad experience he had. He took off his towel,  turned on the shower and stepped in.

His fingers ran through his neck,  almost as though he was looking for a marking or something. The pain was very much there. He couldn't help but relive the dream over again! Then he remembered how he had laughed when Fisayo revealed the whole fair woman story to him.

He buried his head in shame then he rememberer her threat. What could the have done to make someone so vengeful????

Fisayo entered into the bathroom clutching a towel she tied across her chest and he turned his head,  "I'm bathing,  I'll be done in jiffy" "I want to bathe too" "Now?" He asked and she nodded.


Bassey chuckled within,  he knew she was looking for drama that will only lessen the tension from the previous night. She hung the towel,  allowed her gaze to flicker over his body before slowly inching back up to his face.

The water poured down on them while his eyes bored into hers. "I'm sorry" she apologized,  "I warned you before we started this relationship. You...." She stopped the shower from running then she spat some water out of her mouth.  "How do people speak during shower? People always do trick in movies. All my eyes are paining me" she complained and he laughed within.

"Where was i sef? You knew my past,  but you obviously defied all the forces trying to pull us away. I told you already,  that my life Is a mess but you said you wanted to start on a clean slate. You told me it was with your full chest but now your chest has deflated, your heart is in your mouth,  your feets are shaking, the liver you used in saying that thing that night Is no longer there,  even your whole body. I'm not sure whether you want this or not.  I totally understand if you want to break up with me now. It will break my heart in millions of pieces. For crying out loud, you have given me love portion and I probably won't get over It in months or years,  or never. I probably won't date any guy in years"

"Will you go back to...." He trailed off and her heart leapt,  this one that he's asking like this,  it could only mean he's considering it. Fisayo assumed she was so close to eating her first breakfast!

"To what? The same shit that made me lose my first real relationship? I'm even angry at prostitution sef" she busted into tears,  "Uche... Amazing and Yemisi was right all along.... The end result of this is Katakata,  I should have stopped. I guess i'll get Amazing to find me a job,  just when I thought you're the last man I'll be having sex with" she leaned against his chest "Or maybe I should rededicate my life to God,  go to the convent and become a nun"

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