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“Don't go out.”

“Yeah,” Riki answered lazily, eating a breakfast Heeseung have ordered for them to eat.

“Seriously, Riki, don't go out,” Heeseung repeated.

He's been hearing it from the moment the older wakes him up. It's been two hours.

“I will tell Jay if you disobey again,” Heeseung said.

“Just hurry up and leave already, you're making your bandmates wait,” Riki said, trying to sound less annoyed.

Heeseung didn't speak up.

He was getting ready to attend a practice performance with his bandmates. Winter fest will be in ten days and they are competing.

“I'm leaving, Riki. Stay inside and don't take the cast off,” Heeseung reminded, once again.

“Yeah,” Riki only said.

He heard the door open and closed, Heeseung must have already left.

Riki pushed his bowl of food away as he looks under the table, staring at his casted leg.

Yesterday, he waited half an hour under the gazeebo for Heeseung to arrive. He called the older to fetch him as he cannot push himself into walking any longer. No matter if Heeseung will scold him and tell Jay about it, Riki don't care anymore.

They went to a doctor and the cast will stay on him for another week. Which means he cannot go outside for a week as well. Riki hated it.

Sunghoon thankfully didn't told anyone about his cast and Riki pleaded Heeseung to keept it a secret for now. The older agreed, in exchange, Riki cannot remove the cast again until his doctor adviced.

As much as he wanted to disobey, Heeseung was there to watch over him. One wrong move and Jay will probably go back earlier and maybe beat the shit out of him. Seriously, his brother was as strict as a parent. It made Riki wonders if their Dad was as strict as him.

Although Riki has known and lived with him for almost two years, before he discovered the truth, Riki never saw him get mad. Jay's Dad—their Dad, was just a quiet person who supports Jay in whatever he does.

Riki wonders if he will be like that towards him too...or if he really treated Riki as one mistake of the past, not a son.

All these years, he didn't even reached out to Riki and explain things. He didn't even sent him a message, greet him on his birthday or anything. It was always Jay and his Mom—the woman who was the victim of his one night betrayal.

Jay's Mom, who was not even related to Riki, kept on sending him messages and gifts. She was the one sending him his allowance. She even sometimes visit the apartment, and Riki was only doing anything to avoid her.

Not even his own mother is doing it.

His thought was cut off when he heard the doorbell rang.

Who was it this time?

He stood up, took the lollipop on the table, unwrap and shove it on his lips before dragging himself on the front door, opening it to welcome whoever it is ringing the doorbell. However, Riki could not believe his eyes when he found Sunoo standing before the door. He had to close and open it again to make sure.


The sophomore shyly looks away.

“I'm sorry about yesterday,” Sunoo speaks, almost whispering. “I should have not ran away from you.”

Riki only stared at him.

“I panicked, okay? You already know I hate attentions...and getting caught standing under a mistletoe is a...”

Riki didn't speak, he just continued staring at the sophomore. Sunoo looked really shy with his cheeks all red and his eyes looking anywhere but Riki.

“Anyways, here,” Sunoo extended his arms holding a plastic bag. “I did got guilty over leaving you and decided to come back to check on you half an hour later, but I've seen you already leaving with the senior.”

Riki took the plastic bag and scanned what's inside. Pain relieving patches and pills, hot packs.

“You denied you're in pain but look at you wearing a cast on your leg,” Sunoo said, finally looking down on Riki's visibly casted leg.

“Uhm,” Riki speaks, out of words.

He didn't imagine seeing Sunoo in front of his house, apologizing to him after leaving him yesterday. He also didn't imagine he could receive a gift of pain reliefs from the sophomore.

Riki does not have anything to give back at the sophomore's kindness.

So, he took out the lollipop on his mouth and offered it to Sunoo—just to tease him, of course.

Sunoo only stared at it with a disgusted look on his face.

“This is the most I can offer,” Riki said.

“Just say thanks, can you?”

Riki laughs, shoving the lollipop back on his mouth.

“Do you think Santa is real?”


Sunoo blinks, staring at Riki with amusement in his eyes. He really couldn't believe this person.

“Why are we on this believing Santa topic again?” Sunoo asked.

“Look at us getting along even before christmas,” Riki smiles.

Sunoo can only roll his eyes.

“I'm leaving,” Sunoo said, already turning his back away from the freshman.

“See you when I see you,” Riki said, “Don't try to ignore me again, that won't work.”

Sunoo didn't respond back as he continued walking away. Riki's words repeating on his mind.

Us getting along.

Jungwon wouldn't like hearing that.


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