Chapter 7

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Two weeks later.
Chantelle pov
After a long and hard two weeks of work I decided to take chad up on his offer and go out to dinner with him today because I wasn't going to be working this weekend I had requested it because it was my cousin birthday weekend and I also need time with the girls.
After picking up jade from school and spending the day out with her I decided to go home and get ready for the dinner date chad was taking me on. For the pass two weeks we have been talking thru text and he would call me on my day off Sunday and nights when I was off early from work so yes he knows about Jade and Jada he didn't question me about their father but I know soon than later he will want to fine out bout it am not going to hide my pass because it make me who I am today not just a stripper but a better mother to both girls. He insist on meeting them but I constantly tell him I have to get to know him better before having him around my kids and because Raven wouldn't like me to have him around them so soon she think they easily attach to people and she's scared I think he understands. Hey as know about them two day after his birthday because he called on my day off and I was out with them to get ice cream and Jada was crying and for me my kids is a blessing so I don't think keeping them as a secret help, I also learn he is in university studying pre-law and arts, so I wonder why he want to take a stripper out what is his motive but forget about that let me get ready before Raven come to do my make up and hair yes my personal artist.

Raven pov
Just got home with Jada was out all day at meets with my dad even thought he try not to let me work I like to be around the company and having Jada with me, Chantelle pick Jade up from school to spend time with her before she date speaking of that I should get her ready but I can't stop think what is chad motive with my cousin is he trying to hurt her I don't consider my cousin a stripper even thought that what she does for a living which I don't like but it's her choice I always tell her she doesn't have to work because I can put money in her account every month like I use to but she insist on been independent even with me tell her to work for the company instead.
I have just finished her hair and make up and she's waiting on the ride that chad send to pick her up I just hope if things get serious between them he can see the kids as his own and love them like a father should I really don't think he should be around them as yet even though he his dying to see them so I allow Chantelle to send him a photo of them and ever since then he keep asking about them just hope when he fine out about her pass he didn't judge her.

Chad pov
I have just arrived at my parents restaurant after speaking to the host for the night I have taken a seat and waiting for Chantelle to arrive I just want to get to know he and see what she is about I think she is a nice and beautiful girl and I jus hope if we get into a relationship she doesn't hate me when she fine out I am rich and that I am the one that own the club. She also talk to me about her daughters which I think she did want to but after hearing crying in the back ground I insist that she should and after seeing a photo of them I think they are the cutest little girls ever I just hope if things get serious with us they accept me in there life and allow me to be their dad I don't ask about there father but from my conclusion I can see that she doesn't have a father figure in there life and then their is her cousin Raven who is so protective of her which I love she ask me a question which I haven't answered and I will one day trust that. "Why does a person like me want to go out with a stripper"?
Writer pov
Chantelle has just arrive at the restaurant and is looking so gorgeous in a black tight fit dress and pumps as she approach the host and explaining why she was there she was escorted to the table where chad was seated. After a long and comfortable even after chad pay the bill which he only handed the waiter is card but didn't pay he didn't want to blow his cover so soon about who he really was not just an university student who's friend own a club but a billionaire who owns a club and his parents owning multi billionaire companies.
After biding good night to each other chad wait until the vehicle Chantelle was in pull off before he walk to his 2014 BMW and pull off to the direction of his condo.
Chantelle pov
After getting home and talking to Raven about my date I receive a call from chad asking if I enjoy my evening and did I get home safe. I wanted to ask him where did he get so much money to afford that expensive restaurant but I guess it was inappropriate to ask. He insist on getting Raven a gift which I decline but after I was taken home by the driver he handed me 2 huge huge bags saying chad get them for my cousin and the girl, I wanted to ask chad why did he but before I could he ask me how did the girls like there present I told him they didn't get it yet it was still in the bag because they went to bed before I get home, and I decided to give Raven hers tomorrow on her birthday.

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