Chapter 12

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It was the day before the jada party and Chad was getting everything together for this big extravaganza for Her with help from his cousins and friend (all male), Chantelle only knew that it was a princess theme party her and input wasn't needed cause Chad knew she would put him on a budget but when it comes to those girls money wasn't an option no matter what Chantelle say.

It weird how this guy is will to take up the responsibility of been a father for my kids and love them unconditionally and everyday I thank god for sending him into my life I don't know what I would do without him not financially but emotionally the best part of my day is seeing him with the girls. It's a day before my I mean one of our princess birthday and he's going crazy we been staying at his house for two week now my cousin came back two days ago but he don't even want us to leave so I told him after the party we going home tomorrow evening he was okay with it cause he was definitely going to come with us and FYI I know nothing that is going on with the party I only know that we all with be matching and the family that accept me and the kids will be wearing pink and white with jada pic on there shirt.
Am out now shopping for her present 🎁 my cousin dad take both of them with him to work he came to get them cause Chad's parents was occupied getting stuff ready thing the party will be on their big back lawn which will be fun minus the family that don't like me who I insist that Chad invites.

Writer pov
It was not 6pm and Chantelle was getting ready to leave for work she was a bit late but had to watch the kids for an hour until Chad are her cousin came by, Chad was purposely late cause he didn't want her to go to work the day before jada party but she wasn't a part of the planning are decorations so she choose to work that night. Chad parents was at home helping with the set up and decoration of there grand baby party it was good to see that despite Chantelle past they didn't judge her even with bitchy family members still in their ears trying to speak bad things about Chantelle.
It was now the morning of jada party 5am to be exact and Chad was up putting presents around jada bed for her to open when she wakes up. He stand at the door and watch her sleep with a big smile on his face feeling luck to be apart of something so special, he didn't just think of his self as Chantelle boyfriend but also the girls dad.

Chad Pov
It was now 7am and my little princess was up struggling to open all her presents at once, after opening them all we went to wake up jade before Raven got her she said she was going to be preparing breakfast for my princesses which was great cause I had to run out and pick up someone it's a surprise even tho Chantelle might hate me after but atleast I tried.
I just arrive at chads house still can't believe this guy lived alone and I say lived cause it seem like Chantelle ain't come back home, Chad just left to go run errands and I was in the kitchen with the birthday girl and jade, crazy how Chad spoil these kids they were both wearing crowns this early with princess engrave on them. I finish making them breakfast and was now eating and waiting on Chantelle to wake up so we can start getting ready cause Chad said he's pick them up at 12 cause the party was at 2 but they had a photo shoot before the party.

Chantelle pov
It was now 10am and I was up playing with the girls after devouring that delicious breakfasts raven made told you that girl come through for me no matter what I sometimes wish things was different between my mom and I but it's what it is and I appreciate Raven and her parents for been there for me after what my mother did I know I wasn't the best but looking at my girls I could never do that to them.
Phone conversation:
Chad: hey babes how are my princesses I have a surprise for you at the party actually two surprises hope you'll like them.
Chantelle: your always surprising me babe I don't think I'll ever not like anything you do.
Chad: that's my girl love you baby I'm on my way home to get dress are you guys ready?
Chantelle: I am ready, Raven and jade but your bad ass daughter won't allow me to put her clothes on no matter how I tried.
Chad: lol ❤️ just leave her she can get dress when we get there cause we have a photoshoot at one and we gonna be late. Did you know my sister beat Samantha yesterday on campus when she went to pick up some paper works for her classes?
Chantelle: yes she call and told me about it crazy how your sister walk her out and she had the never to sit on her car she deserves it. Oh your mom call me to talk to your sister she didn't know I knew about it cause Samantha wanted to call police.
Chad: 😂😂😂 anyway am home love you. " walk through the door"

Writer pov
The party was now in full swing the girls were enjoying them self getting face painted, eating popcorn and candy which Chantelle didn't like cause they'll be so hyper tonight and she was thinking about going to work, cause she wanted to go back to school cause as much as she love stripping she knew this wasn't for a life time.  After about two hours Chad got everyone attention for his first surprise which wasn't just for jada but also jade and Chantelle after picking up jada who keep crying for him he made the big announcement that he was legally their dad and they both hold his last name.
They all were back to having fun when Chad pull Chantelle inside to give her the other surprise which wasn't something that went well cause when Chantelle saw her mom the only thing that came out her mom was "What Is She Doing Here".
Chantelle pov
At this moment I had noting to say to Chad are my mom I didn't even want her around my kids, she here acting like grandma of the year when she don't even know her grand kids to say Raven was piss was an understatement she was going crazy cause she knew what my mom did to me so it's crazy how she was willing to show up best believe Chads gonna hear it from me tonight.

Chad pov
The big day was coming to an end after the cutting of the cake and a little more fun people started to leave, knowing Chantelle didn't want to see her mom i offer to take her back to the hotel before taking my family home but Raven dad said he wanted to have a word with her so he would take her. It was over all a wonderful day my girls had a blast but some how I find myself in the dog house with Chantelle all I was trying to do was help wish me luck when I get home.

Here's an update will try to update once a week.
Might need correction but enjoy. Vote and comment. Have a laugh

  Have a laugh

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