Chapter 8

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Chantelle pov

It now Monday evening and am getting ready for work Raven allows me to drive her car because she got a Range Rover for her birthday from her dad. Raven isn't my blood relative if you all are wondering why her parents is rich and mine aint we meet when we were in primary school and became friend from there she was 2 years older her parents think of me as there niece and so does my parent towards her. Her parents help us out a lot they bought my family two cars an a house and my dad is one of the supervisor at the company, i know her is mad at me for the job i am doing but i know he will eventually understand as for her mommy she is understandable even thought i know she doesn't like it because of that instead of her asking me to quite she puts money in the girls and my account and any chance she get she takes us out to have fun shes is like the girls second grand mother.

As i pull into the private parking lot for the workers i realize and familiar car park there didn't pay any attention to it because i was late for work even thought i wasn't the first to open tonight we normally have meeting and prep session before club normally open at 9 so we are normally at work 3hours before the club open up.

Chad pov

I was at the club today getting some money problem sought because my bank told me no one didn't came in today to bring the money but that was because my cousin had some doctor appointment i was so strap for time that i didn't realize it was late and employees might see me better yet Chantelle while i was getting a drink i spotted her coming in so i figure more are less she would have spot my car so i decided to swap car with my cousin, the manager and quickly leave.

Raven pov

Am out to dinner with my mommy and daddy and the little kids they are like my heart beats i really don't know what am going to do when Chantelle decided to move out and take them but for now all i have is these kids and chantelle to be around. my little sister Renia was at boarding school which she hated so i kind of convince my parent to get her a transfer for the next school year and she could live with me.

Chantelle pov
It's been two week since i have seen chad we talk when I can mostly day time when he isn't in class are at exam he still insist that he want to meet the girls but I keep changing the subject.
Today been Sunday he ask to take us all out for dinner I wasn't up for it but Raven some how convince me that it wouldn't hurt to take the girls around him, I decided that it might be great for him to finally meet Raven and see the girls.

At dinner...
Chantelle the girls and Raven arrive a little late because Jada wasn't feeling too well. They arrive at this expensive restaurant the same one he had taken Chantelle a month ago the host was familiar with Chantelle because she was the same one there on their first date she escorted them to a private part in the restaurant where she met chad waiting for them he remove from his seat and pull out the seats for the 4 lovely ladies as he called it after they were all seated he had the biggest smile on his face looking at the girls Chantelle ask him why was he smiling he tell her it was because he finally get to meet his princess Raven was a bit taken back by how he addressed them
But she didn't say anything she was happy that even though he didn't know them are wasn't in a relationship with Chantelle he wanted to be apart of the girls life.

Throughout the dinner chad said he had an announcement to make as the table got silent he turn is attention to Chantelle.

Chad pov
Chantelle I know u have only known you for a short amount of time I really think there is more to know but all I ask is for you to give me chance to take care of you and your angle am not asking you to move in with you am just asking you to be my girlfriend we will go into this relationship and take everything at your paste and I will never interfere with the job you do. So what do you say will you be my girlfriend? ...........

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