The Fight

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Writer pov
It was Sunday Chantelle was back home at her's and  raven house, she had the day off so she was up cooking a big Sunday dinner (rice&Peas, fry chicken, curry goat, salad and carrot juice) this was  really a big day for her cause Chad parents was coming over as well as is sister. Chad slept over the night before so he was out with the girls for the day so Chantelle could get the job done with little to no help from Raven who was suppose to be helping was only giving order and washing vegetables.
They were all now seated at the dinner table with Chad dad's blessing the tablet after which everyone dig in small talk was being made until Chad dad's decided to give a toast.
Chad dad: I just want to thank you guys for having us over and I also want to say thank you Chantelle for making my son happy and for my beautiful grand kids who I love dearly and your not just my daughter in law but a daughter thanks for been a sister to my daughter as well.
After dinner was finish the male went into the living room to watch football while the ladies clean up Chad mom offer but Chantelle tell her no cause she was a guest she opt to play with the girl cause she had brought over the rest of presents she had bought for jade and jada that got deliver after the birthday party. She an Chantelle have someone gotten close after she had a heart to heart conversation with her daughter who told her what a great person Chantelle was, she was the one to encourage Chantelle to go back to school. Even tho Chantelle dropped out of high school she did gotten the chance to do her subjects cause her uncle had hired someone privately to teach her during her second pregnancy and she had gotten to chance to do here CXC exam.

It was now 8pm the girls went home with my parents cause we decided to go out so I invited some of my friends and cousin, my sister, Raven and of course my baby even tho she said she didn't want to cause she was off duty so she didn't want to be seen there even if it's my business after some convincing from my sister and Raven she decided to come. You know females how they take long to get ready so they were all upstairs getting ready including two of my females cousin that are close to my sister and I. We decided that we were leaving at 11pm.

Chantelle: damn its hot in here someone please turn the AC on why did I let you guys convince me to go out tonight.
Raven: cause all you do is work and take care of the kids so we need to go out and have u loosen up a bit.
Chad sister: yes sis that's true hope that bitch doesn't show up tonight cause I would beat her ass again trust me. Let's take some selfie while we get ready. Posted...
Shan: you know she's gonna see this cause she's always watching out our life I wish I was there that day with you that girl ain't nothing but trouble.
Chantelle: ladies we classy tonight no fighting lol unless it's call for.

At the club. Writer pov
They all just arrived at the club, they went in from the side and make there way over to there section that Chad had previously reserve for them.
They had just gotten some Hennessy and Acs for the males and some ciroc and champagne for the ladies enough to keep them for the night Chad hand his card to the waiter even though it's his business he always pays for his liquor no matter what.
It was pretty lit in the club Chantelle was all up on her man giving him lap dance and enjoying her self she even invites two of her stripper friends to the spot to entertain the rest of the crew, it was pretty pack for a Sunday night but it was Summer so it was expected, what wasn't expected was for Chad ex to show up and was even brave enough to make her way to his section with her friends acting a fool.

Here minding my business and entertaining my man and having a good time with family and friends when our section got mad quiet making me and Chad look 👀 at each other before turning to the rest and paying attention to what was going on at the moment, to be honest I was ready for whatever this girl bring cause I know she was coming with shit and I ain't with it. Chad sister was the first to address the situation.
Chad sister: it's crazy how this bitch walk up in here like she own this place like come on you know not to do this shit so I address her real quick. Why are you even in our section what do you want?
Chad ex: I'm here to party like you and to address the little stunt you pull.
Chad sister: what stunt you talk about just know I ain't with the bullshit and I'll whoop your ass again.
Chantelle: hey sis we not with it tonight we just trying to turn up and have fun.
Chad ex: bitch no body talking to you aren't you suppose to be on a pole are something.

Chad Pov
I don't know what happen but after her slick comment to Chantelle all I saw was hands flying and it wasn't Chantelle but we here trying to break it up could you believe even my friends girlfriends was helping to beat these 4 girls ass I had to call for security quick it was crazy cause it when from 0-100 real quick and it's annoying how the hell you get your ass beat and come in a club to settle it like damn here I am holding on to Chantelle and she was cursing me out the worst way and trying to get away from me but I ain't letting it Raven was still there beating Samantha ass and it's crazy cause Raven is so damn short I think she's the one to put her hands on Samantha for disrespecting her cousin.

Chad sis
Right now we were all in a private room calming down this was Chad idea until those girls leave the premises but it's crazy how she saw my post and came up in here like she own shit best believe this ain't over and she has more coming . Like I was enjoying my night right now I feel like I need to go home.

Chantelle Pov
We were now all making our way to Chad place to finish our night after he got a call from his dad about the fight we all decided to go back to his place and have a little pool party his dad is meeting us there to hear what really happen cause his police friend that was there got it cover so no police was involved but he still wanted to know what really when down its crazy how Raven went in on that girl she was crying so hard and looking for me after cause she taught I got hurt like that my ride or die I would do anything for her I thank everyone for sticking up for me tonight cause even with me just meeting some of them they all ensure to help out and it was honestly a great feeling to know people had my back.

After getting to the house my dad was already there so my sister told him everything he wasn't mad but he wasn't happy about the fight but he half they handle the situation he keeping begging my sister to let it ends tonight no more fighting Samantha but if I know my sister it will never end here.
Well for the most part we here enjoying the rest of the night.

Well here's another update thanks for reading. Their might be some errors

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