Chapter 40- To the Future (Part 2)

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Nooooo! Why?! We're at the last chapter! *Sniffles*

Ramone: Oh, dude! Are you crying?

Me: No! I'm happy! I loved this story and since Cars 3 is my favourite movie, I'm happy to know I feel like I've done it justice in this fic! Sure, I'm sad to see it come to an end and wish I could do it all over again, but I'm glad I finished it and my readers enjoyed it.

*Red bursts into tears and drives off*

Me: Red, come back! There's still one chapter left!

Me: This chapter was originally part of the last one, but I split it in two! For the last time, please enjoy, guys!

Chapter 40: To the Future (Part 2)

Later that night, Fudge tried to wrestle a hairbrush through her wet, curly hair.

"Fudgie? Are you okay?" Luigi wanted to know, entering the bathroom. He was never going to stop worrying about her.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"Do you need help brushing your hair?"

"Yes please!"

Luigi laughed and took the hairbrush from his daughter.

"Do you have your dress?" he asked her.

"Yeah, it's on my bed."

"Okay... How does your hair get knotted so quickly?"

"I don't know."

Once her hair was brushed, Fudge went to her room to put the dress Luigi wanted her to wear on. It was cobalt blue and came down to her knees. To go with it, Fudge had shiny cobalt blue flats. When she was fully dressed, she stopped to look at her reflection in the mirror. Not bad. It was a very nice colour. Staring at herself in the mirror made her think about how she felt like a new person now. She felt like a strong, confident young woman, excited for whatever her future held. It was that that reminded her of a song, which she began to sing to her reflection softly. The song was "Real Girl" by Mutya Buena.

"Fudgie?" Luigi got her attention. "We should go."

Fudge grinned. "Let's go." However, before she moved away from the mirror, she whispered to herself, "This one's for you, Doc!"

As soon as she got over to Flo's, everyone began exclaiming over how nice the human girl looked.

"Fudge, you look gorgeous, honey!" Flo proclaimed.

"You look beautiful!" Lightning added.

"I don't think I've ever seen you in a dress. You look nice!" That was Cruz.

"You know", Ramone began, looking Fudge up and down, "I think that's a good colour on you, Fudge."

"You really think so?" Fudge's face was beginning to go red.

Ramone nodded. "Absolutely."

"Well, thanks!"

The party was quite a mellow one. Old fifties music was playing while there was a small amount of dancing and cruising. Mostly, everyone milled around the café, talking animatedly and Flo served them all with drinks.

"Has everyone got a drink?" she quizzed them all.

"Yep", the crowd confirmed.

Most of the townsfolk and the Legends were drinking Junior's moonshine. Mater didn't really drink, so he just had a can of oil. Fudge had a Fanta and Fillmore had his organic fuel.

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