Chapter 35- A Shared Victory

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Like I said last time, I think this chapter has some adorable moments in it. I hope you agree...

Chapter 35- A Shared Victory

"Cruz! Fudge!" Sterling exclaimed in a friendly voice and Fudge noted that this was the first time Sterling had called her by her name and not "you, whatever your name is". "I knew you had something! And now look at you! Winners!"

"Winners?" Fudge repeated in pure disbelief and some disgust. "What happened to just a trainer and a glorified intern?!"

Sterling continued as if Fudge hadn't said a single word. "I could use you as racers on our team! We could make-"

"Sorry, Mr. Sterling", Cruz cut him off. "I would never race for you. I quit."

"Fine!" Sterling responded coolly. "Fudge, I can pair you with-"

"I'm not racing for you if Cruz isn't!" Fudge interjected firmly, but politely.

"Good for you!" London gave the sixteen-year-old an affectionate punch in the shoulder.

Fudge nodded weakly. There was no chance she wanted to race for someone like that. Although, she was a little disappointed that that meant they couldn't race anymore.

Or so she thought. That was when she heard a familiar horn honk and a familiar friendly voice call out, "Well, then, race for me!"

"Tex!" Fudge and Lightning cried in unison, seeing the Cadillac approach with The King.

"Miss Cruz, Miss Fudge, I would be tickled pink to have you both race for Team Dinoco!" Tex began. "As you know, we have a long history of great racers. Except for Cal", he added teasingly with a wink.

"Uh... guys?" Cal piped up. "I'm still right here."

"Team Dinoco, guys!" Lightning exclaimed, grinning at Fudge and Cruz and nudging the latter.

"I know..." Fudge grinned excitedly as her eyes began to gleam.

"That's the best sponsor there is!" London pointed out redundantly. Anybody who knew anything about racing knew that. She punched Fudge's shoulder again. "Lucky b**tards!"

"Luck has nothing to do with it", Lightning corrected her. "Those two deserve Dinoco."

Luigi hugged Fudge so tight that she almost choked. "My baby!" he shrieked. His eyes were filled with tears. "You have been offered the best sponsorship! I am so proud of you, my angel! So, so proud!" He kissed her forehead repeatedly.

"Do you want it?" Lightning quizzed the two racers with a smile. "I mean, I think you know what I'd want, but it's absolutely your decision."

This was Lightning's dream and it seemed he wanted them to have it. Fudge knew exactly what she wanted and turned to Cruz. "What do you say?"

"If you'll still be my rider crew chief, I'll take it. Either both of us race for Dinoco or neither of us does!"

"Of course I will." Fudge hugged Cruz, who hugged her back immediately. "Mr. Tex has been trying to get Lightning to race for him for years. I say it's about time we got someone from Radiator Springs on his side."

Everyone laughed.

Tex beamed. "I was hoping you'd say that."

"Although, it means we've got some big tyres to fill", Fudge mused.

"Really?" Cal asked.

"Not you!" Fudge gestured to The King (although he'd told her a million times to call him Strip, she always thought of him as The King).

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