Chapter 4- Flashback: Zara and Layla

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Remember how I mentioned in the last chapter that this story would have a lot of flashbacks? Well, this entire chapter is one big flashback. It was supposed to be part of the previous chapter, but it got too long, so I made its own chapter.

Warning: There will be some implied swearing. As usual, it has been censored out.


Chapter 4- Flashback: Zara and Layla

All of her life, Fudge had been home-schooled because the nearest mainstream school was several hours away. Then, when she turned fourteen, Luigi and Guido dropped a bomb on her. They were considering sending her to boarding school for her high school years. They felt like she should have real teachers and the chance to socialise with other kids her own age to give her the best possible chance in her education. Of course, Fudge absolutely did not want to go to boarding school. She brought out every argument she could think of and she had a million reasons why she didn't want to go to boarding school. The girl had no plans to go to college or anything; she wanted to stay in Radiator Springs and as part of the pit crew. She was afraid of how she'd go when she still hadn't fully recovered from the accident. In fact, even though she could walk, she was still using crutches to help her. Besides, since she'd never been to school before, boarding school seemed like too big a change.

Luckily, Guido and Luigi were very understanding of her arguments and agreed to keep her at home where she belonged. The only condition was that she had to start going to this youth program in the city twice a week where kids could have help with their homework and got to do fun activities as well.

It seemed like a good compromise. So, Fudge went to this group on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The first session she went, she was just minding her own business as she tried to read Romeo and Juliet without much luck. She had to read it and answer a bunch of comprehension questions, but she didn't really understand the language. So, she was grateful for the many distractions when countless people came up to her, recognising her from TV.

"I am such a big fan of Lightning McQueen!" nearly all of them exclaimed.

This was how things went at first. Everyone was excited to be hanging out with a girl who knew Lightning McQueen, but nobody really wanted to get to know her as a person. Fudge felt like she got along with them all pretty well, but hadn't made a single friend.

Things really got interesting, though, a couple of hours later. A sleek, black Porsche with dark brown eyes and a tall, blonde girl with aqua blue eyes wearing lots of makeup showed up to the group. They only seemed to talk to each other and looked at everyone else in disgust. Except for Fudge. The two would constantly look up and stare at her, whispering, nodding and occasionally giggling, making the fourteen-year-old girl feel very self-conscious. She couldn't tell what they thought of her. Oh, God! They were coming over to her. What were they gonna say to her?

"You're Fudge Rossi-Topolino, aren't you?" the Porsche quizzed her immediately.


"We've, like, seen you on TV!" the human informed her. "You're, like, so cool!"

Both these girls had irritatingly high voices that made everything they said sound like a question.

"Really?" Fudge felt her face go red. This was the first time that someone said that she was so cool, not Lightning. Sure, she couldn't argue with the people who said Lightning was cool, but it was nice to hear someone say it about her.

"I'm Zara", the Porsche introduced herself. "Zara Horsepower."

"And I'm Layla Johnstone", the human introduced herself.

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