Chapter 28- Look Who Finally Showed Up

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This chapter is proudly brought to you by Fudge's PSA for the town of Thomasville...

I'm so glad you guys seem to like Herman; I was worried you'd think he was just weird

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I'm so glad you guys seem to like Herman; I was worried you'd think he was just weird. What do I have in store after the watermelon incident? Well, you'll find out in this chapter...

The story so far: It is a lovely day in Thomasville and Herman is a horrible goose!

Chapter 28- Look Who Finally Showed Up

"I got somethin' I wanna show you", Smokey announced to a dejected Lightning that night. "I think this might help."

"I doubt that", Lightning mumbled. So far, nothing had been helping.

"You think so? Well, you won't know that unless you see it."

As Smokey, Lightning, Cruz, Fudge, Guido and Luigi headed round the side of Smokey's garage, they could see that a projector had been set up by London and the Legends. London had even made popcorn!

"This is one of Hud's old races. I want you to see this", Smokey informed Lightning. "Watch very closely."

Lightning nodded, but didn't say anything.

Magic is about to happen, Fudge thought as she made herself comfortable in a lawn chair and took a handful of popcorn.

The projector lit up the wall with an old film from the fifties. For the first couple of minutes, everyone was completely engaged in the film. Only Lightning couldn't figure out exactly what Smokey was trying to show him. Until, at one point, when Hud was so close to the rear bumper of the car in front of him that he was practically touching it, Smokey called out excitedly, "See that?"

"See what?"

"Hud was a master at letting the other cars do the work for him", the pickup truck explained.

"He used to say, 'Cling to 'em'", River piped up, "'like you was two June bugs on a summer night.'"

"He stole that from me!" Junior chimed in.

"Drafting?!" Lightning questioned incredulously. "I've never had to do that."

"Yeah, that's when you were fast", Smokey reminded him bluntly. "Now, you're slow."

"And old!" River called out.

"And rickety", Louise put in.

"And run down!" That was Herb.

"And dilapidated", Junior joined in.

"Aged, ancient, elderly, mature, fossil, senior, along in years, broken down, over the hill, senile-" London chanted, reading from a thesaurus her phone.

"Okay, okay, I get it!" Lightning shouted over the top of them as everyone laughed. Then he looked back at London questioningly. "Senile?"

"The new you has to look for opportunities you never knew were there", Smokey explained.

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