Chapter 3- Fudge's Problem

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This chapter contains the first of several flashback sequences featured in this story.

Enjoy. :)

Chapter 3- Fudge's Problem

Another weekend, another race. This one was in Georgia and Lightning scored yet another victory.

"Yes!" Fudge cheered as he came back into the pits, ready for all the interviews that would surely come his way. "Lightning strikes again!"

"Way to go, buddy!" Mater shouted.

The rest of the team took care of the pits while Fudge and Lightning were interviewed. It seemed like the press couldn't get enough of Fudge either. Well, that kind of made sense, given that she was the world's youngest crew chief and what she'd been through after her accident. Even though those two things really made her fame skyrocket, that wasn't the exact moment that made her well, not exactly famous, but definitely well known...

When Fudge was six years old, she began to attend Lightning's races regularly. She would always cheer loudly and jump up and down when he came flying past.

"Go, go, Lightning!" she would scream at the top of her lungs.

Already, she had the attention of the press for being adorable, but she became really well known after a race in Virginia.

Lightning had won the race, so of course, everyone wanted to congratulate him and little Fudge was no exception. She raced out of the pits to try and find Lightning to give him a hug. However, he was surrounded by reporters, firing questions at him and fellow racers and pitties, congratulating him.

"Lightning!" she called out.

She could hear his voice, but it wasn't aimed at her. "Yeah, it was great to have another win. I think the season's going pretty well. I guess that's 'cause I got a great mentor now."

"Lightning!" the little girl shouted again.

"Hey!" a grumpy cameraman barked at her. "Get out of the way, kid!"

He gave her a hard shove, sending the human sprawling across the ground.

Immediately, Fudge started bawling, which attracted the attention of several people, including Lightning.

"Hey, hey!" he cried gently, rushing forward to the six-year-old. He picked her up and gave her a hug. "What's wrong?"

Still sobbing, Fudge told him what had happened.

"Where does it hurt, sweetie?"

"Here. And here." She showed him all of the scrapes she had. They didn't look too bad.

"Hey, hey, it's all right, Fudge-O!" he whispered soothingly, cuddling her. He continued to do that for a couple of seconds. "You're all right. Yeah? Wanna give me a smile?"

Fudge said nothing.

"Come on." He launched into the task of tickling the girl till she laughed.

The press had their cameras focused on them the whole time.

"McQueen!" Kori Turbowitz called out, gesturing to the human girl, clinging to the famous race car. "Who is this?"

"Oh, this is my little sister, Fudge Rossi-Topolino." He gave her an extra cuddle as he tried to explain how he knew Fudge.

"Fudge?" several cars who heard repeated in surprise.

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