Chapter 31- To the Future

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Here we go! We're at the Florida 500! I hope you enjoy!

Chapter 31- To the Future

"Welcome to racing's greatest day!" Bob Cutlass announced. "We're beachside at the Florida International Speedway to kick off a new season of Piston Cup racing. It's the Florida 500."

"Forty-three cars and a quarter million fans await today's intense contest of strategy, skill, but most of all, speed", Darrell Cartrip added. "This crowd is in for one great day of racing."

While there were a quarter of a million excited fans packed into the speedway, there were millions more people around the country also tuning in. Red, Sheriff and Lizzie were watching anxiously from Radiator Springs. Miss Fritter and the gang from Thunder Hollow had also gathered in their hometown bar to watch the race. Then there were the rest of the residents from Radiator Springs, who had shown up to the race and were going to be watching it, equally anxious as the ones back home.

"I'm Bob Cutlass", the announcer continued, "joined as always by my broadcasting partner, Darrell Cartrip and stats sensation, Natalie Certain."

"I've never seen the numbers line up for Storm like they do today, Bob", Natalie proclaimed. "Storm should be ninety-six point eight per cent unstoppable!"

"Well, don't overlook Lightning McQueen", Darrell Cartrip chimed in.

"WHIPPLEFILTER!" Miss Fritter hollered, sending everyone in the bar into an excited frenzy.

"We've heard stories of the unusual way McQueen trained to get here", Bob Cutlass went on. "Now, the question is: Did it work?"

"Oh, I hope so!" Fudge murmured to herself nervously at Bob's words. There were butterflies in her stomach. No matter what happened, she could definitely say that she had thoroughly enjoyed the last two weeks; she just hoped they'd been worth it.

Lightning was still in his trailer, going through the usual pre-race ritual. Fudge was in the pits with Cruz, Luigi, Guido, Mater, Sally, Sarge, Fillmore, Ramone and London.

"Hi, guys!" she'd exclaimed happily a few minutes earlier when she, Luigi, Guido and Cruz entered the pits, catching sight of her family from back home. She was carrying a box of tissues from her toiletry bag, believing that she and the others would need them either way.

"Hey, Fudge!" they had returned the greeting, sounding equally happy to see her.

"Who's this?" Sally had asked, nodding at Cruz.

"I'm Cruz Ramirez", the yellow car had introduced herself. "I'm Mr. McQueen's trainer."

"And my new best friend", Fudge had added, smiling at Cruz, who returned the gesture.

"So, what's this we hear about you guys endin' up in a demolition derby, man?" Fillmore had questioned.

"Funny story!" Fudge had laughed. Maybe their misadventure at Thunder Hollow Speedway hadn't been funny at the time, but it was definitely funny now.

Fudge and Cruz had recounted the crazy two weeks they'd had to the rest of the Radiator Springs residents, who had laughed and exclaimed things like, "Stickers destroyed the simulator?!" and, "We'll have to meet this Herman." Fudge's description of the evil goose that had terrorised her had been especially funny. It felt good to laugh. All of them, even those who'd stayed behind in Radiator Springs, were aware of the deal Lightning made with Sterling and the stakes of this race.

The moment they were done, Fudge's phone had rung and she was quick to fish it out of her pocket and answer it.

"Yellow!" she cried. "Hi, London!... You are?... Awesome! Where are you?... Entrance A113?... Yeah. Great! I'll be right there!" She hung up.

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