Chapter 8- Everything Will Change

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Now, I'm sure a lot of you would want to see what happened in those four months when Lightning was recovering from his crash! Well, my friends, that's exactly what the next few chapters are about! Of course, there are physical aspects to his recovery, but considering I don't know much about that and I feel like the mental recovery is one of the main complications of the movie, I've decided to focus on that.

(By the way, this chapter features another flashback. I think it's the last one for a while, though.)

I hope you enjoy!

Chapter 8- Everything Will Change

Fudge didn't remember much of the ride to the hospital and neither did anybody else for that matter. It was like one second they were being escorted out of the stadium and the next, they were all parked in the bright lights of the emergency room.

The wait was long and painful. Fudge cried the whole time and some of the others shed some tears as well. Most of the time, they were silent, but occasionally, someone would ask if they thought that Lightning was going to be okay, to which the others could only say that they didn't know. Sally and Mater were both at the reception desk, bawling their eyes out and requesting updates. However, the receptionist didn't have any news for them. Lightning was still in surgery.

"I spoke to the others back home", Sarge informed the others at one point after he'd disappeared. He was speaking half to break the silence and half because he felt like they all ought to know. "They're on their way to California now. They said they'll drive all night."

Everyone else nodded, not really wanting to speak.

"Do you think Lightning will be okay?" Fudge wondered, her eyes filling with tears.

Luigi took her hand. "Of course he will." The only problem was that he didn't sound sure of that at all.

"I don't want anything to happen to him!" Fudge began to cry loudly.

"I know, I know!" Luigi gave her a big hug, rocking his daughter like a baby. "It is going to be okay, angel. Lightning is strong, no?"

"I know, but what if he doesn't..." The sixteen-year-old trailed off, crying harder and not wanting to finish her sentence. She knew that Lightning was strong, but he wasn't exactly invincible and it had been a horrific crash.

"Well, we don't know anything right now, Fudge", Sarge reminded her. "Let's just hope for the best."

"Yeah. We just need good vibes, man", Fillmore agreed.

Fudge wasn't sure if she believed in good vibes. The last time she had a strong feeling good things were going to happen for her, she had a couple of days of the year and next thing she knew, it was three months later and she was in the hospital in the worst pain ever.

"Family for Mr. McQueen?" a doctor called out at one point.

The RS gang made a beeline towards him and several interested fans were eavesdropping as well.

"How is he?" Sally demanded.

"Well, his surgery was a success", the doctor began. "He is currently in a critical, but stable condition, but we have no idea how long it will take for him to recover. We'll just have to monitor his condition."

He talked for a little while longer, but Fudge wasn't listening by then. She was too stressed to pay attention. Although, she hadn't realised she'd tuned out until she heard the doctor suggest, "You should all go and get some rest. We'll most likely know more in the morning."

"So, is he gonna be okay?" Fudge questioned as they all filed out towards the door.

Sally came over and gave a heavy sigh as she stroked the girl's hair. "I don't know, sweetie", she replied, choking back sobs. "I just don't know. Not even the doctors know right now. Like they said, they'll do everything they can, but some of it Stickers has to do on his own."

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