Chapter 14- Enter Cruz Ramirez

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Well, we've hit a milestone in this story... *Does the really long fanfare from SpongeBob* Cruz Ramirez has arrived! I hope you enjoy! :)

Chapter 14- Enter Cruz Ramirez

What Sterling had in mind, as it turned out, was an electronic suit for Lightning, which was melted onto him with a heater.

"Wow!" Lightning exclaimed once that was done, checking himself out.

"Oooh! Shiny!" Fudge cried, admiring the shiny dark red and gold suit. "You look great!"

He smiled at her. "Thanks."

"It's an electronic suit", Sterling explained. "With it, we'll be able to track your speed and your vital signs."

"Does it have a phone?!" Lightning questioned excitedly.

"Don't be crazy!" Sterling laughed. "Race cars don't have phones."

It was time to see the rest of the facility.

"Wow!" was the first word out of Lightning's mouth as they entered the training area. It was like stepping forward fifty years into the future. There was so much technology that the three cars and one human from Radiator Springs didn't know what it was all for.

"Not bad, huh?" Sterling replied.

"This is really impressive!" the 95 racer confirmed. He turned to his crew chief. "Fudge, what do you think?"

Fudge just shook her head in amazement. Not only was she amazed, but still nervous around Sterling.

"This centre has quickly become the most coveted destination for young racers training to make our team someday", Sterling played the role of tour guide. "And it's where you'll train until you leave for Florida." He began to point out some of the many great things they had at their disposal. "Treadmills, wind tunnels, virtual reality."

Two racers were using the virtual reality, which Fudge thought sounded pretty cool. However, there was a disadvantage. The big goggles over their windshields meant that they couldn't see and they bumped into each other. Fudge giggled.

"Still working on that", Sterling added. "And the best fitness regimen anyone could possibly imagine."

"Wait, wait!" Lightning cried. He'd seen the main reason they'd come all that way. "Whoa! Is that... a simulator?!"

Indeed it was. In front of them, a shiny lemon yellow car was whizzing around a virtual racetrack.

"Oh, yes", Sterling confirmed. "Lightning McQueen, I'd like to introduce you to the multi-million dollar flagship of interactive race simulation. The XDL 24 GTS Mark Z."

"The XDL... et cetera", he murmured softly and dreamily. He was blown away by this piece of technology.

"Jackson Storm wishes he had this model", Sterling informed them.

"Do you love it?" Fudge teased.

The stock car nodded, refusing to take his eyes off the simulator. "I do. I really do."

Fudge smirked. "Then why don't you marry it?" she joked. "We'll find Sally someone else."

Lightning rolled his eyes. "Really, Fudge? How old are you again?"

Fudge responded by sticking her tongue out. Lightning laughed.

They glanced up at the screen, which had the racer's top speed lit up on it. One-ninety-three. Not bad. Not bad at all. A set of checkered flags appeared on the screen as well.

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