Chasing the Reaper

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Audio Recording: 4/10/2788


Program running

Time: 7:30 AM

Detected voices: Gibson, Callie. Valentine, Nick. Hancock, John

Nick: Are you sure you're ready?

Callie: Yes... I can do this

John: I can come with you if you need me to

Callie: No no, hon, go keep Mags and Dogmeat company. I'll... I'll be fine, honest

John: Okay, but keep that recorder running for me

Callie: what... recorder

Nick: Oh, don't play dumb, even I've noticed when you thump that pipboy on your hip, the screen lights up.

Calllie: fineeeeeee

Nick: see you later, Mayor

Nick: Hello Irma, is Amari downstairs?

8:26 AM error: Sure is honey

8:27 Voice registered "Error, Irma."

Nick: I'll call for you in a few minutes; Kent's been asking for you

Callie: I'll go see how he's doing then; take your time

9:00 AM Nick: Come on

Callie: Hey, um, how much did Valentine explain... Dr. Amari?

Error: pretty much everything he knew

9:02 AM Voice registered "Error, Amari."

Callie: oh... Okay. so ah, how is this going to work?

Amari: I'm going to put that chip you got from Kellogs head into Valentine here. Then both of you will sit in the memory loungers

Nick: Then she's going to merge our brainwaves so we can access Kellogs

Callie: that sounds dangerous and complicated

Amari: Oh, it is; nothing like this has ever been tried before

Callie: Couldn't even try to beat around the bush, okay, well um, will you see everything we see?

Amari: Yes, of course

Callie: And will we be able to talk

Amari: Short of sounds and maybe the odd word, no. Why do you ask?

Callie: My pipboy has an audio recorder in it. Could you talk as much as possible then? Like relay what you see?

Amari: Of course, now just sit down you two

Amari: There we go, we're connected...Look you're memories... and Nicks...Ah ah, there's Kellogs

Amari: hmm, they are fragmented and weak. Let's start with the earliest and strongest... take it slow. I know this can be disorienting at first.

 Amari: His childhood... seems pretty average for someone born post-war.... Are you both doing okay? Never mind... Let's try the next one

Amari: He was a father? Wow... hmm, I can see how the loss of his family ruined him... next one. Tisk once a merc, always a merc... What's next

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