The Robo Caper

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(Reykjavik. Gray is in the phone booth.)

Maelstrom: Hello?

Gray: Who is this?

Maelstrom: You phoned us.

Gray: I did?

Maelstrom: Remember? We have traced your location. Do you wish to come in from the cold?

Gray: I'll be waiting.

(Gray exits the booth and notices a kid with headphones in crossing the street, oblivious to an oncoming car. Gray runs after him.)

Gray: Hey! Watch out!

Grey stops him before the kid got hit by the car

Kid: Takk?

Gray: You're welcome. But maybe you should look where you're going.

Kid: Yes, of course.

(Gray notices the kids' wallet in his pocket.)

Kid: Uh, my bus.

(The kid walks away and Gray holds up the wallet he pinched. Then almost immediately gets hit by a car. He quickly realizes what he did and turns to try and catch the kid again.)

Gray: Hey! You dropped your wallet!


Maelstrom: He seemed to be in a state of bewilderment, and did not recognize my voice.

Cleo: But if Crackle remembered how to contact us, there is no telling what else he might remember.

Brunt: Or, who he might decide to share it with, if he finds himself in a chattin' mood.

Maelstrom: Cleaners, please plug this potential leak in Reykjavik.

(Boris and Vlad, the only competent people on VILE's roster leave as a screen is lowered and Bellum calls.)

Bellum: Greetings from the Himalayas. I have some exciting news.

Brunt: You decided to change a light bulb?

Bellum: Oh, I see. One moment, coming. Oh, yeah, a little too much lift. Whoopsy!

(Bellum loses control of her jet pack and fly's off screen violently crashing into something.)

Cleo: Ugh. See? Too many toys.

Maelstrom: Would this be about the test run, Dr. Bellum? For the robot?

Bellum: Uh, yes, yes, indeed. I feel that Roby is ready for his first foray out into the world. And I wish to suggest Singapore for a visit to its new science museum, which is currently presenting an exhibit on...

Cleo: Ugh, of course, you would plot a tech caper.

Bellum: If you would allow me to finish, Cleo, an exhibit on the science and history of gold, the main attracting being, this unique and brilliant crown, once worn by a Himalayan oracle, lined with precious gems and 24-karat gold.

Cleo: Now you are speaking my language, Saira.

(Airport. Ivy, Lincoln, and Carmen are sitting together and Ivy is eating chocolate.)

Carmen: How can you even look at chocolate after what we just went through?

Ivy: Not looking, eating. Mmm.

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