The Egyptian Decryption Caper

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Bellum: It took a while for my algorithm to translate the Sanskrit text on the second relic. And, for my codebreaker to solve the riddle contained within that text. And, for me to solve what my codebreaker was attempting to communicate.

(Mime Bomb is miming... something, behind her.)

Bellum: But if I correctly deciphered Mime Bomb's charades, my highly advanced drone should be on the verge of locating the third and final Relic right here in India... within the mouth of the crocodile. Behold, the relic that we seek.

(Carmen drops out of nowhere, grabs the relic and propels back up.)

Bellum: In Carmen Sandiego's hands.

Cleo: What? How? Does she have eyes everywhere?

Maelstrom: We are the ones who procured the 2nd relic in Norway. How could she possibly know what was written upon it?

Brunt: Not to mention, figuring out its... achoo! ...riddles.

Cleo: Ugh.

Brunt: What? Not contagious.

Cleo: Quickly, Saira. Send your Operative after her.

Bellum: So, he can do what? Tie her up with invisible rope?

Cleo: Well, do something. We need that relic in order to find our lost VILE treasure.


Carmen: Jules, you were spot-on about India. Thank you. Sending new images your way.

Jules: Hm, the text is Egyptian, but in two different alphabets. Coptic, used during the medieval era, and hieroglyphs, dating far earlier to Ancient Egypt.

Carmen: So we know the text on the relic was inscribed during the later period, by someone familiar with both.

Jules: Aren't you a quick study? Shall I assume you are catching the next flight to Egypt, and that I will inform you of further particulars once I decode them?

Carmen: Oh, now who's the quick study?

(Carmen takes off not seeing Bellum's drone behind her.)

Bellum: Carmen Sandiego is not the only one with eyes everywhere. And it seems that she has been relying upon her very own "codebreaker."

(Bat Plane)

Player: Zack and Ivy assured me Shadowsan's doing fine, Red. They're keeping him warm and cozy back at HQ.

Carmen: Good to hear. He, Lincoln, and Paper Star  are the closest thing I have to family. I'd like to keep him around.

Player: You sure you're gonna be okay, the three of you?

Carmen: I have all the backup I need on this one.

Player: Right. I'll ping our "secret weapon."

(Player adds Jules to the call.)

Jules: Ah, perfect timing. I've managed to translate the medieval portion of the text. It mentions a "plateau," where something lies beneath "the tallest of three." I believe the riddle refers to Giza.

Player: The sight of the pyramids? Giza's located in Egypt, on the west bank of the Nile River.

Jules: And it is home to arguably the world's most famous pyramids, the Great Pyramid being the tallest of the three.

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