Chapter 11: The Prince of Winter Haven

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As Oriana and Donovan walked back from the orchard, Tyir was waiting for them.

"Princess Oriana, I was wondering if you would take a walk with me?" Tyir asked.

"Actually, we were about to have dinner," Donovan said.

Tyir glared at him, "I wasn't asking you to come along."

Oriana quickly interjected "It's alright, Donovan. You go get some food. I will spend some time with Tyir. I promised him I would do this weeks ago."

"Whatever," Donovan muttered before speeding off.

Oriana sighed before turning to Tyir with a smile. "I am sorry if you have felt ignored. I am trying my best to make Donovan feel at home here."

Tyir shook his head. "I hope I haven't made things hard on you. Something about that man drives me up a wall. How about we just take a walk through the courtyard and focus on us?"

"Of course," Oriana replied. 

Tyir offered his arm to her. With a blush, the young princess would take his arm. As they walked along the path, Oriana asked, "How has your family been, Tyir? I know some letters came in this morning from them." That was the first thing that came to her mind.

"My family is doing well. My older brothers are both groveling over the throne. My father indulges them, naturally."

"I thought your father had already chosen your eldest brother as the heir."

Tyir sighed, "Yes, though it doesn't stop my brother Arne from trying to prove his worth. Maybe he can change my father's mind before he dies. However, I am more interested in you than the throne of Winter Haven." She was an only child, so she didn't understand the 'sibling dynamic'. Though his words did make her blush further.

"As an only child, it's hard for me to understand such things." Oriana confessed.

"I can understand that. It must be nice to not have to worry about that sort of thing."

"Yes, though it does get lonely. It must have been nice to grow up with siblings."

Tyir grunted, "No, trust me, it's not what you want. You don't want your children squabbling over the throne like a bunch of hungry dogs, nipping and biting at each other to gain an advantage. It's a vile way to go about things."

Oriana looked down at his words. "I know you never talk about your brothers. I see why now. I am sorry things have been so hard for you."

Tyir would reach out to take Oriana's hand. "That is why I am here to help you. I don't want things to be hard for you. It's one of the reasons I do not like that mage. You spend too much time with him. I do not want rumors floating around about you."

"People will always talk. There is nothing I can do about that," she told him. "I try as well to keep the peace in my kingdom. I hope others are not speaking ill of my courtmage or myself behind closed doors."

"No one would dare say anything about you in front of me. Do not fret about that. I have not made an effort to hide my feelings for you. To speak poorly of you would be a slap in the face. If someone did such a thing, I would consider it a direct insult to my honor as well."

"It is kind of you to say Tyir," she said. She decided to change the subject and continued, "I hope being here, you can afford a little relaxation. Surely with your brother's it gets quite hectic," she said.

"Oh yes, you are as perceptive as always. One of the many qualities I love about you. It is very hectic. Coming to visit you is indeed a treat, like a cold glass of wine in the midst of a scorching summer. Being by your side is nothing short of a joy." He replied to her, glad to talk about other things. 

A Tale From Lanoria: The Princess of BaroughHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin